Scientists Have Discovered Why Cats Love Women More

    Scientists Have Discovered Why Cats Love Women More
    Credit : Depositphotos

    Women form a closer emotional bond with their domestic cats than men, Hungarian researchers have found. The work has been published in the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science.

    Scientists at Eotvos University in Lorand observed 157 cat owners and found that women are more likely to interact with their pets than men. They often talk with their own cats or those of others, they know what food they need, what is forbidden and what toys they like. They also smile at animals more often and understand their emotions. The best interactions were found between females and older cats, and the worst between males and younger cats.

    Another reason for this prioritization is that women are much more prone to tactile contact than men. With rare exceptions, we’re always the first to reach out to our furry friends to pat their heads or scratch behind their ears, and here both women and cats show the same addiction. Both love the hugs, the gentle demeanor, the purrs, and most importantly, the warmth. Additionally, women often have a much softer, more melodic voice than the opposite sex.

    Another quality inherent in women and cats is tolerance. While men, in most cases, are not satisfied with the animal’s poor self-care, women, on the contrary, show understanding, intuitively feel what the animal wants at the moment. And cats this quality, according to the assurances of scientists, is passionately respected!

    The cat, among others, does not tolerate any form of violence – it is almost never able to distinguish between inflicting pain for good (treatment) and actual cruelty. The problem is, most vets are men, and cats are vindictive people, and sometimes they can’t forget how they’ve been treated for a long time.

    After all, cats, among others, are terribly mischievous animals and are sometimes ready to play for hours like little kittens, and a man, as you know, is also a child in his soul.

    Scientists have investigated whether cats can be as good companions as dogs – cats’ interaction with humans is less well understood. As the authors of the book concluded, in older cats more distinct signs of emotional attachment can be detected, and a closer connection with females, apparently, appears due to the greater empathy of these last.

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