Hopeless Shelter Dog Rescued Moments Before Euthanasia

shelter dog had given up hope rescued before euthanized

This hopeless shelter dog is rescued moments before euthanasia and now has his own home.

The life of a charming dog named Bear has not been easy at all. After living as a stray for a while on the streets of Texas, the friendly dog โ€‹โ€‹ended up on a shelter’s euthanasia list. It seemed like Bear had given up completely, but luckily everything took a surprising and lucky turn.

Normally, people who came to the rescue center looking for a pet for their home used to brush off the 11-year-old dog. Since arriving at Barc Animal Shelter And Adoptions, the adorable dog has stopped lifting his head off the bed; it was as if he had lost hope and knew the clock was ticking against him.

BARC volunteer Madeline Garvis told The Dodo:

“He was one of 28 lives that would be sacrificed that day. It’s unreal that a dog like him ended up on the euthanasia list. His personality is perfect, and I mean honestly, he’s so calm and friendly.”

Shelter dog rescued moments before euthanasia

rescued shelter dog

Amazingly, as soon as he was taken out of his kennel, Bear’s demeanor completely changed.

Madeline recalls:

“We found a dog who suddenly knew how to shake himself, who loved being outside and who loved love.”

Madeleine added:

“We have very few opportunities to meet the dogs and see how they act outside, which is clearly very different as Bear demonstrates. Not a bad thing to say about Bear. He is well leashed, calm, walked on a leash so loose he practically fell, knew how to sit and shake, and was negative for heartworm.”

The friendly dog โ€‹โ€‹quickly became the guardians’ favorite boy. Madeline focused on finding a good home for Bear before his stay at the shelter ended.

Shelter dog rescued moments before euthanasia

Madeline wrote on her social media:

โ€œAre you kidding me with those eyes?! I love him. Once we got together, he looked five years younger!โ€

shelter dog rescued

Apparently, letting others see Bear’s true personality worked perfectly. Bear finally found his forever home, just an hour before his scheduled euthanasia. Now the sweet pup will be able to live the life he always wanted, full of love and happiness.

Images: Instagram / rockykanaka

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