Siberian Husky | Dog Breed Information & Facts – Pictures

    Siberian Husky

    The Siberian husky is undoubtedly one of the breeds of dogs with the greatest physical beauty. It is a dog from Russia, especially Siberia, which was born as a working animal for the Chukchi tribe. With this tribe, they fulfilled various functions, ranging from the company of their owners to raising deer, pulling sleds and keeping the children of the tribe warm.


    Siberian Husky photos

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    Physical characteristics

    The Siberian husky is a medium sized dog. He is the embodiment of a balance between strength, speed and endurance. This breed has a medium length double coat, erect ears and a fluffy tail. All colors and markings are possible, including white with intricate spotting patterns.

    The height of adult males is 53-60 cm, females 51-56 cm, weight of adult males 20-27 kg, and females 16-23 kg.


    Distinctive features

    • Head: A small skull has a rounding at the back of the head and an even taper towards the eyes. Straight nose. The muzzle of a husky is of medium length, it attracts with a lively, interested and even somewhat mischievous expression.
    • Eyes: Slightly slanted almond eyes are brown or blue.
    • Ears: The triangular ears are medium in size and set together high on the head. Sturdy with slightly rounded tips pointing up.
    • Jaws: In a Husky, the upper incisors evenly overlap the lower incisors, providing what is known as the scissor bite.
    • Legs: Oval, not elongated, medium size. Well stuffed between the pads of the fingers. Pads are thick leather. The front legs are straight, the hind legs slightly apart.
    • Coat: The length is medium. The undercoat is soft and dense. The coat is straight, smooth, but not rough and erect.
    • Tail: Due to the same length of wool, it resembles a fox’s tail. In a normal situation it is slightly lowered, in an excited situation it is bent into a crescent-shaped ring.

    How are the Siberian Husky and the Alaskan Malamute different?

    Alaskan Malamute - Siberian Husky
    Alaskan Malamute – Siberian Husky

    It is quite common that there is confusion between the Siberian husky and the Alaskan Malamute due to their physical similarity, but the truth is that they are two very different breeds. Certainly, these are two Nordic breeds with fairly similar fur, but it’s easy to discover their differences if you see specimens of the two breeds.

    The Siberian Husky is smaller in size and dimensions, and less bulky than the Alaskan Malamute. Its proportions are reminiscent of those of a wolf, while in the case of the malamute, its shapes are much more rounded and similar to those of molosoid dogs. The husky and malamute’s bodies are similar in that they are very friendly and affectionate animals.

    However, the husky is a much more active dog with very high needs for exercise, which outweighs the malamute. To make a decision on the best breed for you, you will need to think about their needs for space and activity, as well as their temperament.

    And it is that the Nordics in general, and in particular the Siberian husky, have a behavior which must be understood and understood to make them really happy and maintain a perfect relationship between the animal and its owner.

    Character and behavior

    The Siberian Husky isn’t just one of the most popular pets because of its physical appearance, it’s its character that makes this dog breed special.

    They are generally affectionate, playful and friendly dogs who like to be in the middle of the family unit. The history of the husky is intimately linked to the daily routine of women and children. So you don’t have to worry if your husky and your child play for long hours, as long as they are well educated.

    With the children

    The little ones in the house should be taught to play gently with the dog while the dog needs to know what the boundaries are. If you are not sure that the game can work 100% (because of one or the other), always be present and avoid an undesirable situation.

    With other animals

    This is a breed that enjoys the company of other dogs both indoors and outdoors. For this reason and to avoid behavior problems in the future, we must socialize our husky puppy. Socializing a dog allows him to communicate with other animals, people and objects without fear or aggression. It is very important to spend time developing outside knowledge, as this will allow us to have a social dog.


    The Siberian husky breed stands out for its stamina and good health, but there are still some problems. Among them :

    • Hip dysplasia – a hereditary disease;
    • Cataract;
    • Corneal dystrophy;
    • Progressive retinal atrophy.

    Life expectancy

    With proper care, a Siberian husky can live 12 to 15 years.


    The Siberian Husky has a long coat and requires regular brushing once or twice a week. Nails are trimmed every 10 days, and always make sure your pet’s ears and eyes are clean.

    Huskies practically do not need to bathe – their hair is self-cleaning. On the contrary, water procedures more than once a week can cause an unpleasant odor. Worse, it often disrupts the condition of the skin and coat.


    Siberian Huskies need active walks, to protect them from destructive behaviors at home and to keep them physically fit. Dogs need exercise to be happy.


    The Siberian Husky is a dog that usually requires a high dose of daily exercise. It depends on each specimen in particular. This breed needs to exercise a lot, even if it has to be done in a secure and bounded area, or on a leash, as they have a strong desire to run if they are left free and generally do not respond to the call of their owner.

    A fenced garden is essential and, as they are able to jump without running, height is also very important. An adult Siberian Husky dog needs more than two hours of daily exercise.


    The Siberian Husky dog is known as a walking dog, but if he does not stay under surveillance, he is able to walk and forget where his home is. For this reason, we recommend using a chip and an identification plate with your phone number on his collar.

    Fun Facts

    • About this breed, the legend of Balto is well known, a husky dog who, in 1925, succeeded, with another group of dogs, to cross the Bering Strait to bring the serum necessary to control an epidemic of diphtheria. In the middle of a snowstorm and for more than five days of crossing, the dogs managed to transport the medicine which otherwise would never have reached their destination.
    • The Siberian Husky is a breed of dog that likes to search when it has the opportunity. It is common for a garden to appear full of holes, but this is also due to its origins, when it had to dig a hole in the snow to lie down and protect itself from the cold.
    • Unlike other breeds of equal size or even much smaller, these are animals that barely smell like a dog, and they tend to stay clean and groom themselves, which is not say they don’t need help, because there are areas of the body that they don’t reach alone.
    • The Siberian Husky is hypoallergenic, which means that people who show symptoms of allergy to other breeds can live with a Siberian husky dog. This is because it produces the hormone that produces the allergy in very small amounts, so it is generally not a problem despite their large amount of hair.
    • The size of the husky makes it perfect for living in any type of house, as it adapts perfectly to the space. He can share a small apartment with his owner and be perfectly happy, as long as he has the time he needs and does not skimp on walks or daily exercise.
    • Despite popular belief, it is not true that the husky has to run several kilometers each day. It can, but it adapts to its owner’s lifestyle and the amount of daily exercise.
    • Huskies tolerate heat fairly well thanks to the possibility of removing the inner layer of their fur. For this reason, a husky should never be shaved, as it would be left unprotected from the weather and could suffer from sunburn, sensitivity or even heat stroke.

    History of the breed

    The Siberian Husky comes from the snowy Siberia, as the name of the breed shows. With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that this breed was bred by the Chukchi, who lived in nomadic tribes. In these parts, people need a reliable helper and friend, and the tribes of the aborigines who lived in the vast open spaces have bred for themselves a special breed of sled dogs, most suitable for harsh weather conditions.

    When people had to overcome long distances, they were sure that they could rely on these energetic dogs, because a team of a couple of dozen dogs was able to overcome incredible distances across the snow-covered expanses of the North and Siberia.

    The breed got its name in memory of the northern tribes, since the word “husky” is a distortion from the word “eski” (“eskimo”).

    But, for the northern people, huskies were not just transport and hunting companions, they were family members. Legends say that when a child was born in the family, the dog, usually living in the yard, was called to the house to warm the baby with the warmth of its body. As the child grew older, the husky always followed him, protecting the baby from dangers and cold.

    Siberian Husky
    Siberian Husky

    At the dawn of the 20th century, the breed almost sank into oblivion. During the Soviet era, it was decided that these dogs are not suitable for the transportation of goods due to their small size, therefore the Siberian husky was not recognized as a breed and the breeding of these dogs stopped.

    But, thanks to the Americans, this breed has not disappeared from the face of the earth. In the 30s of the last century, several dozen dogs were taken to Alaska directly in sleds. The years of the “gold rush” and aroused special interest in these dogs, because thanks to the husky, gold diggers could make their way to the mines in the most inaccessible places.

    And in 1925, when, thanks to a brave representative of the husky breed named Balto, a team of dogs managed to deliver the medicine for diphtheria to the city of Nome, and thereby saved the village from an epidemic. Balto was recognized as a national hero of the United States and a monument was erected in his honor in Central Park in New York, which always remains a reminder of the feat of Balto and his four-legged team.


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