Stray Cat Climbs Into A Police Car And ‘Melts’ Into Its Lap

stray cat climbs police car

Polish police got a call about a minor traffic accident, and what seemed like a routine at first turned into a very funny and sweet moment. As one of the officers sat in his patrol car trying to fill out the incident report, a homeless cat came up to get attention.

The adorable feline didn’t seem interested in the duties of the policeman, and kept trying to draw all the attention to himself. Ignoring the police’s attempts to tackle the paperwork, the cat demanded attention.

A homeless cat gets into a police car and asks for attention

Adorable cat gets on police patrol

In a post on their Facebook page, Slaska Police wrote:

“[The cat] tried to stop a cop from driving into a collision. The animal didn’t have a collar, but he’s very social and hugs people.”

Finding that the cat appeared to be homeless or in danger of being lost, the police did not leave the little feline to itself; He immediately captivated them and they wanted to help him find his home, according to The Dodo.

cute homeless cat

Local animal rescue organization Fundacja “Koty z Kociej” has shared the cat’s story, waiting to hear if the cat has a family looking for him, but for now he remains in the custody of the police officer he is with. captivated her beautiful hugs.

beautiful homeless cat

It seems his strategy worked really well, as people who saw the police video on social media were moved and even made adorable comments.

One of them said:

“That video in the police car was touching. You met the right people, cute cat.”

Images: Facebook / Julia Orawska

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