Stray Cat Enters An Apartment To Have Her Kittens And Receives Help Just In Time

Stray Cat Enters Apartment Have Kittens

An adorable homeless tabby cat walked into an apartment in order to get help giving birth, and fortunately received the help she needed in a timely manner.

Ashley Morrison, an animal rescuer from Seattle, Washington, was contacted about a month ago to inform her about a homeless cat who had decided to ask for help at the home of a neighborhood resident she used to frequent; where she was allowed to give birth.

All the residents of the sector generally saw the cat wandering around an apartment complex, but she was always very shy around people.

Homeless tabby cat gets help just in time

Stray Cat Enters Apartment Have Kittens

Ashley told Love Meow:

She had started to befriend one of the tenants and ventured into his apartment from time to time.

Stray Cat Enters Apartment Have Kittens

The cat used to visit her new friend’s house during the day, but usually at night she would go away again. The funny thing was that one night the cat did not want to leave and instead insisted on staying with her friend, as if wanting to ask for help.

Stray Cat Enters Apartment Have Kittens

That night, the kind-hearted man allowed the adorable furry to stay at his house, and after a while, the most beautiful thing happened.

Ashley said:

An hour later, the cat gave birth under her table.

Stray Cat Enters Apartment Have Kittens

The next day, the man didn’t know what to do with the small family of six, so he sought help and Ashley answered the call. She went to the apartment and moved them home to provide a foster home for them.

Stray Cat Enters Apartment Have Kittens

When they arrived, the woman placed the mother cat in a quiet room with her babies, but she was very scared and tried to escape.

Ashley commented:

She was unaccustomed to strangers and human interaction. She was climbing the walls and she was very scared.

Stray Cat Enters Apartment Have Kittens

After spending a day at Ashley’s house, and with many comforts, the cat they called Moira, began to enjoy her new life. She began to gain confidence and was totally different, she calmed down a bit and enjoyed the meals and the caresses on the head.

Stray Cat Enters Apartment Have Kittens

When Moira experienced tummy massages for the first time; She did not want to stop receiving them, and fell on her side to ask for more.

Ashley said:

It took days for her to get comfortable with me sitting in the room. She is officially a huge fan of all strokes. While I caress her, she closes her eyes, and if I stop, she pushes my hand with her chin.

Stray Cat Enters Apartment Have Kittens

Moira was happy with the nest that Ashley had built for her cute family, and spent most of her time there.

The nest was a large bathtub with a hole the right size that doubled as a door, through which Moira entered and exited. In addition, several blankets were put over her, to create the appearance that it was a fairly safe haven for her and her cute babies.

Stray Cat Enters Apartment Have Kittens

Little by little, the shy cat became a purring and caressing machine, so much so that she draws attention only to be caressed.

Stray Cat Enters Apartment Have Kittens

Every time Ashley put a clean blanket in her shelter, Moira attacked her with her paws in order to ask for strokes on her belly and head.

Stray Cat Enters Apartment Have Kittens

For the first time in weeks, Moira wanted to get out of the bathtub and seek Ashley’s affection; he snuggled up next to her and even purred.

Ashley said:

She has always wanted to be in the bathtub for ‘protection’, but she is learning that I am at least a mediocre human.

Stray Cat Enters Apartment Have Kittens

When the kittens began to crawl, Ashley transformed the nest into a spacious suite for cats, where they could easily move around under Moira’s supervision. The kittens are learning to play and want to explore places further away from their mother.

Stray Cat Enters Apartment Have Kittens

Fortunately, now everyone has a full belly, they are loved and cared for as they should be; Moira will never have to live on the streets again.

Stray Cat Enters Apartment Have Kittens

Ashley said:

She still runs and hides when she hears a loud noise (like a lawnmower), but as soon as I talk to her, she calms down and comes out again. I can’t wait to see how she progresses, and I know we will find her a nice, quiet home where she can be a kitten again.

Moira and her kittens will remain in Ashley’s care, until they are old enough to be adopted into a forever home.

Images: Facebook / Youngest Old Cat Lady


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