Olka, living in Italy, met a cat in a deplorable condition. She decided to fight for the dog’s life, he was no longer able to fight alone to survive. He was old and weak. The woman asked for help from her friend, who had previously saved many abandoned creatures. The activists showed great determination and commitment to caring for the kitten’s well-being. The quadruped had to travel half of Europe to find happiness.
A Polish woman living in Italy decided to save a homeless cat
Agnieszka has lived in Italy for years. It is a country loved by many, and there is no denying that even this beautiful corner of the world has its drawbacks. One of them is that there are a large number of homeless cats living there. The worst part of all this is that the vast majority of them cannot count on help from either the state or non-governmental organizations.
One day, a Polish woman encountered an extremely dirty and weak dog. She had no doubt that he was one of the many homeless people who nobody cared about. The woman realized that the animal was in such weak condition that it might not even survive another night spent outside. That’s why she decided to take him home. However, she couldn’t keep the sick cat permanently. That’s why she asked her friend Magdalena for help.

Homeless cat faced long journey
Agnieszka named her new ward Dolly. The priority was to stabilize his condition. After a visit to the veterinary clinic, it became clear that the cat had been homeless for years. The specialist estimated she was around 10 years old. Fortunately, despite his great age, the dog began to regain strength. It turned out that all Dolly needed was a little attention, a roof over her head and a full bowl. She was microchipped. Agnieszka also provided him with all the necessary documents to transport animals to other countries.
The elderly cat had no choice, she faced a long journey into her old age. His destination was Magdalena’s house. This is where she was supposed to start a new, better life. She had to travel more than 2,000 kilometers to meet a woman willing to offer her a permanent home.

An Italian cat in Poland discovered what happiness means
Magdalena happily welcomed Dolly and made sure the cat felt as comfortable as possible in her new environment. At first, the senior was suspicious and distant. However, as time went by, she began to become more and more interested in everything and everyone around her. Dolly moved into a house where other cats already lived. His new owner’s biggest concern was how the animals would get along with each other. However, it turned out that there was no cause for concern.
Malaika, the alpha female of Magdalena’s house, welcomed the Italian cat in a very friendly, but at the same time discreet way. She sniffed him, then gave him all the space he needed. Over time, Dolly herself began to lash out at other family members. To Magdalena’s great surprise, the senior gets along better with the kittens. He loves teaching them good manners.

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