Stray Dog Surprises People Because He Uses Public Transport

Stray dog uses public transport

Currently, people are more in contact with animals on the streets, and apparently in some cases this interaction can occur on public transport. Many often travel with their dogs, and some of these animals are nearby to care for their humans, as in the case of people with disabilities, where specifically marked guide dogs can be seen helping their humans move around without encumbers.

But that’s not all, imagine some dogs would like to travel alone and enjoy the trip, and a few months ago something like this happened. Istanbul’s public transport service noticed a large dog traveling on buses, trams, subways and ferries.

The dog, Anatolian shepherd who they named Boji, seems to know exactly where he’s going every time he gets on or off the train.

Stray dog uses public transport

Stray dog uses public transport

Boji is a very intelligent stray dog and has recently gained the attention of passers-by and public transport users because he knows how to use the metro independently. He also knows how to get around on the tram and even the railroad, he’s a globetrotter.

According to Bored Panda, whenever he is seen aboard public transport, people don’t hesitate to take a picture of him while Boji is comfortably enjoying the trip.

Stray dog uses public transport

Boji is very smart, to the point that he knows all the rules of public transport. The dog knows how to give way to disembarking passengers, he even waits for them and gets on the train as soon as he understands that he is completely free to enter.

Stray dog uses public transport

This guy even waits patiently in metro and train stations like all the other users. Boji usually waits on the patio if it’s sunny and comes home if it’s cold or raining. His popularity and curiosity for his travels is so great that the municipality of Istanbul has decided to put a tracker on him to see how far he travels each day.

Stray dog uses public transport

Aylin Erol, head of customer relations for Metro Istanbul, told CNN:

Two months ago we noticed that a dog was trying to use our trams, subways and trains and knew where to go and where to get out. It was quite interesting and we started to follow it. And it was really an interesting model. It’s like he knows where to go and has a goal.

Stray dog uses public transport

It turns out that Boji runs around 29 stops per day, covering a distance of 30 kilometers per day. One of the dog’s favorite forms of transportation is the M4 metro line, a 27-kilometer, 19-stop rapid transit line.

Boji takes its name from railway terminology. The dog was seen by vets recently and his check-up showed that he had undergone all of his health checks and had been previously sterilized.

Stray dog uses public transport

His popularity is so great that he even has his own social media account. People interact to find out where Boji was last seen, and they love to enjoy his company while traveling.

You can follow him on Instagram

Images: Instagram / boji_ist

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