Streetcar driver stops to rescue a turtle stuck between the tracks

streetcar driver stops save turtle stuck rails

All living things that inhabit our planet should be treated with dignity, care and attention; In fact, what we humans often tend to forget is that our animal friends are part of our ecosystem, the same one we all live in, and we have to try our best to keep it intact, for our protection and that of the planet. For this reason, every small gesture, even the simplest, towards the animals that inhabit the earth, can make a difference.

Something that Serhat Topal, a tram driver in Turkey who has been caught on security cameras at the station where he works every day, has certainly understood; The public transport driver, however, was “caught red-handed” by making a truly unexpected gesture: he is suddenly seen stopping in the middle of the tracks, getting off the tram, and approaching the edge of the tracks. …

streetcar driver stops save turtle stuck rails
Serhat Topal

On the side of the rails, Serhat had noticed a very small four-legged animal, which many had perhaps never seen, but this attentive and careful driver had had time to see him and save him; on the rail side there was a turtle trying to break free from that place and escape.

But too bad the turtle got dangerously trapped between the rails; What if the trams that would pass later hadn’t seen this poor trapped animal? What would have happened?

As Serhat later stated to the Dodo:

All living things are our friends and we must approach them with love. We should all take this as a duty. As for me, I just did my duty.

streetcar driver stops save turtle stuck rails
Serhat Topal

Duty or not, what this caring and selfless streetcar driver did is priceless: he saved a troubled turtle from a bitter fate, and that was enough to make him a model of virtuous behavior towards our friends. animals.

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