Students Perform Impressive Upside-Down Stunt To Rescue Dog From Canal

students upside-down rescue dog canal

Cities can be hostile not only to the humans who inhabit them, but also to the animals. This forces owners to be extra attentive and focused when going for a walk with their pets, to avoid any bad timing.

That’s what happened to a young man from Manchester, England, who never thought a simple, innocent walk could end in tragedy.

A dog is brought to safety after falling into a canal

students upside-down rescue dog canal

According to information from Metro UK, Batu Akyol went out with his dog for a walk along the banks of the Ancoats Canal. What seemed like a normal walk got complicated after the dog lost his balance and fell into the water.

The owner kept holding it and the dog was grabbed by the leash. Since he didn’t have enough strength to lift him, he started screaming and asking for help.

students upside-down rescue dog canal

The desperate cries were heard by two 20-year-old students, Jack Spencer Furmston and Ben Camphor, who ran to where the woman was and realized the dog was scared, floating in the water.

The young people immediately acted as a team to try to get the โ€œdogโ€ out of the water. The moment of the rescue was captured by a witness who was on the other side of the river.

students upside-down rescue dog canal

In the video, you can see how one of the boys was held by two other boys to reach the dog, grab him with his arms and pull him out of the water. The animal made every effort to climb the stone wall and succeeded.

students upside-down rescue dog canal

“Everyone was in a panic. I couldn’t drop this dog without helping him, so I took off my jumper and jumped in first. I own a dog, so there was no way to leave him alone,” Ben told MailOnline.

The youngsters were applauded by most comments on social media, which praised them for their courage and quick action.

Images: Twitter / @Dbelldb1

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