Thai Ridgeback | Dog Breed Information & Facts – Pictures

    Thai Ridgeback

    The owners of these dogs rightly call their pets “a dog for the soul”. The Thai Ridgeback dog breed is one of the oldest species, today it is rare and very expensive.

    The appearance of the Thai Ridgeback dog is exotic. All because of the wool, which forms a ridge (ridge) along the ridge. The coat is exceptionally velvety to the touch.

    Dog sheet Thai Ridgeback

    Thai Ridgeback photos

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    Physical characteristics

    The Thai Ridgeback is a large dog. The geographic isolation of the country and, consequently, the impossibility of consanguinity with other breeds have led to a logical result. These animals have managed to keep their original appearance without major changes. The height of the animal in the withers is lower than the length of his body (the ratio is 10:11). The muscles are developed.

    The standard of the breed determines the height of the females and males: 51-56 and 56-61 cm. The exact parameters of the weight of the dogs are not indicated, but it must be proportional to the height at the withers: about 23-34 kg for males and 16-25 kg for females.


    Distinctive features

    • Head: the forehead is flat, the muzzle is lying, like that of wolves. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is soft, but pronounced.
    • Jaws: The teeth are strong and white. The jaws are strong and completely developed. Scissor bite.
    • Ears: The ears are erected, triangular, low -attached with a slight inclination to the muzzle.
    • Eyes: Eyes are almond -shaped with a proportional arrangement. The color of the iris goes from amber to dark brown.
    • Body: the body is rectangular, slightly elongated. The neckline is in proportion to a fairly well marked tourniquet. The chest is completely developed. The ribs are elastic, not curved. Belly with well retracted groin.
    • Members: The legs are strong and muscular. The thighs are strong, elongated. The legs are large, the pads are intense black in color.
    • Pelage: the hair is short, no more than 5 cm, the undercoat is absent. Red, blue, black, red and fawn color.

    Similar breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback

    Character and behavior

    Among the members of the household, the Thai crested dog itself chooses the owner. Only he obeys him unconditionally, and only if he is properly brought up and trained. Such a dog is discreet, tactful. Usually, once in a family, almost from childhood, the crest tries to establish its own hierarchy in the house.

    It is difficult for households to achieve full TRD obedience. The dog appreciates those who live in the house, those who feed and walk him, but often neglects their opinion. For him there is only one authority – the owner.

    Alone surrounded by domesticated dances, they can frolic, rejoice and relax completely. In foreign territory, next to strangers, the Thai Ridgeback dog is a serious, alert dog, ready to instantly react to a threatening dog. This dog treats strangers coldly, with suspicion, responds to ill will with aggression.

    With children

    He loves children, treats them with patience, but this patience has its limits. Therefore, if there are children in the family, do not leave them alone with the dog, and also teach the child how to behave with the animal. With an established understanding, the Thai Ridgeback dog will become a great friend and playmate for the youngest members of the family.

    With other animals

    The Thai is not particularly keen on dominating. He gets along well with other pets in the same area. The exception is rodents, birds, which are prey in the eyes of the ridge.

    Outside the house, such a dog, seeing a cat, will try to catch up with it. He will not back down from someone else’s dog, show fear, stand up for his rule. Males are more intolerant and aggressive than females.


    The Thai Ridgeback dog breed was born out of natural selection. For many centuries, natural selection took place, in which only the strongest animals survived.

    This explains why Thai has strong immunity and good health. With proper maintenance, nutrition and care, he rarely gets sick.

    The predisposition of representatives of the breed is observed to a few diseases:

    • Skin diseases – arise from the fact that short hair does not poorly protect the skin from pathogenic microorganisms. Thai Ridgeback dogs often have a dermoid sinus.
    • Allergic reactions – mainly due to improperly selected care products. Food allergies are less common.
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract – volvulus, bloating, indigestion.
    • Obesity – results from an improperly chosen diet and sedentary lifestyle, if the owner does not provide the Thai with a sufficient amount of exercise.

    Life expectancy

    The average lifespan of a Thai Ridgeback is about 12-13 years.


    The Thai Ridgeback has a very short and smooth coat which should not be brushed more than once a week. Some claim that they can be bathed once every six months, but it is unacceptable, because after six months, the dog will emit such a smell that it will simply drive you crazy.

    They must be bathed like all dogs – 1 to 2 times a month. Always make sure your animal has clean ears and eyes and cut its claws every 10 days.

    Fun facts

    • The Thai Ridgeback dog is the national breed of Thailand.
    • According to many scientists, the Thai Ridgeback dog has retained in its exterior the characteristics of the ancestor of all modern dogs. The specified breed, according to research, is one of the oldest.
    • TRDs are able to “talk”, their “talk” resembles a mumble, with the help of which the dog expresses his joy or indignation. The Thai Crested Dog rarely barks, only for good reason.
    • This dog may have a blue or spotted tongue.
    • Puppies of this breed are covered with many folds, like the Shar Pei or the Mastiff. As we age, the folds disappear, the skin becomes smooth. Wrinkles only persist on the head.
    • The character and habits of the TRD are often compared to the character and habits of a cat. The Thai Ridgeback dog, just like a cat, does not like water, even bypasses puddles, not to mention large bodies of water. The dog keeps the coat clean by all means. It is calm only on its own territory and is unfavorable to foreigners.

    History of the breed

    The homeland of the Thai Ridgeback dog is Thailand. But it should be noted that it has not been established exactly where the history of this breed originated from. Some suggest that the Thai Ridgeback was first discovered in Vietnam.

    Anyway, but the Thai Ridgeback dogs is the national pride of Thailand today. This is fair enough. After all, as a result of research scientists have managed to prove that Thai Ridgeback dogs living in Thailand have an older heritage than those living in Vietnam and Cambodia.

    The Thai dorsal crested dog is an indigenous breed, in the formation of which a person did not participate. Thai Ridgeback dogs are classified as outcast dogs. Pariah dogs are semi-wild animals with an uncertain pedigree. In terms of genetics, they are complex polyhybrids.

    For many centuries, the exterior of the Thai Crested Dog has not changed. This is not surprising, since no selection work on the training of the breed has been carried out and no crossbreeding with other types of dogs has taken place. If you look at old pictures of Thai Ridgeback dogs and modern photos of the same animals, there is hardly any difference in appearance.

    The purity of the species, its originality and its pristine nature have been preserved due to the fact that Thailand has long been isolated from other countries. The direct ancestors of TRD are the wild dingo dogs.

    Thai Ridgebacks used for hunting birds and wildlife. They also helped the owners graze, protect the livestock from bad guys and predators. These courageous dogs have distinguished themselves as ideal protectors and guardians.

    Thai Ridgebacks were especially honored by low-income people, by the poor. This popularity is explained by the fact that the Thai Ridgeback dog is able to feed independently in the form of small rodents. Hunting provided food for the whole family, which was very valuable in poor villages. The ridge also destroyed parasites in the form of rats and snakes.

    The Thai Ridgeback dog is a very old breed. Surprisingly, it was not officially recognized until the end of the 20th century.


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