5 Things To Consider If You Are Getting A Kitten

Things To Consider If You Are Getting A Kitten

Congratulations: you have decided to get a kitten! Of course, you need to decide where to take the baby: from a breeder, pick up from the street or take a kitten from a shelter. But the most important thing is to understand whether your house and you are ready for the appearance of a kitten in your life. Before you bring it into your home, make sure that all the points in this article are taken into account. A kitten is a huge responsibility for many years.

1. Do you know what breed you want?

There are so many breeds of cats in the world that it will not be easy to decide. Therefore, ask yourself some important questions, the answers to which will help you make a choice. How many hours a day can you spend with a kitten? Will the pet give birth in the future? Will the cat live alone or with other animals? What length of cat hair is acceptable for you? How often can you groom a cat? You must clearly understand what requirements you have for a future cat. With a question about choosing a breed, you can also contact your veterinarian to find out the predisposition of breeds to various diseases.

2. Is the kitten 3 months old?

Experts believe that a kitten should be weaned from its mother no earlier than at 12-13 weeks of age. By this age, his mother will teach him basic life skills, including self-feeding and using a litter box.

3. Is your home ready for a kitten?

Before adopting a kitten from a shelter, make sure that everything you need is prepared in advance. The kitten will definitely need a cozy, warm place to sleep, a carrier with a bed inside or a special cat house is suitable for this purpose, you will also need two bowls (one for food, one for water), a toilet tray and filler. This is the minimum set. Be sure to buy food that is age appropriate. Several toys and treats are available for purchase.

You should also keep in mind that kittens are incredibly curious – they run the risk of climbing into a dangerous place or, worse, getting stuck there or falling out of there! Therefore, make barriers in advance in such places so that the house is safe for the new little resident. Keep away toxic cleaning products, electrical wires, poisonous plants. And don’t forget that in addition to protecting your kitten from your home, you also need to protect your home from a kitten! Consider buying a special claw post to keep your sofas and wallpaper safe from cat scratches.

4. Have you chosen a veterinary clinic and doctor?

As soon as you pick up the kitten, go to the veterinarian. He will examine your new pet, assess the state of health and, if necessary, give recommendations on the prevention of parasites: fleas and worms. Parasite control is something that will need to be done throughout your cat’s life, so check with your veterinarian for the best treatment and when. At the initial appointment, the doctor will check the eyes, nose, ears, teeth and weigh the kitten. Schedule vaccination dates. This measure is mandatory, as the vaccine protects cats from many infectious diseases. If the veterinary clinic has the necessary equipment, then the kitten can be microchipped. If the kitten accidentally runs away, then the chip can help identify the kitten and return home. Also, a veterinarian can give advice on sterilization or castration of a kitten, indicate the approximate age when this can be done if you are not planning offspring.

5. Are you mentally prepared for the appearance of a kitten?

A kitten in the house is more than just nice hugs and beautiful photos. Raising a little kitten, in fact, is no different from caring for a child. You can also get up at night if the kitten is worried about something, and also have to clean up after him if he goes to the toilet in the wrong place. It is possible that the kitten will ruin some things with his claws before he learns to use the scratching post. Cats are curious, independent, and territorial, so set boundaries early on.

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