TOP 10 Best Cat Food | Brands Review

TOP 10 Best Food For Cats

People who keep cats at home are thinking about the question of their proper nutrition. It has long been known that regular food is not suitable for these animals, so a large number of specialized feeds have long appeared on the shelves of specialty stores. They have a beneficial effect on the health of the pet, the condition of its coat, normalize digestion, and so on. However, choosing food for a cat is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. In this regard, before proceeding with a direct review of the varieties of food, we decided to give some recommendations related to the choice of these products.

How to choose the right cat food?

If you have just got a cat, then you should remember that these animals are hostages of their habits, so they prefer to eat food strictly in one place and at the same time. It is desirable that the room where they eat is quiet and with few people.

You should not give these animals food intended for dogs, as these animals have different needs for minerals and vitamins. If more than one cat lives in the house, then their bowls should be placed at a distance from each other so that there is no competition between them. If possible, place the bowl as far away from the tray as possible.

Both dry and wet food are complete food for the family pet, they contain all the necessary nutrients that will ensure the health of the cat for many years. The only key difference between these types of cat food is the percentage of liquid content – in wet food it is up to 80%, while in dry it is only about 10%. Many owners prefer to combine food: they give dry food one day, and wet food the next.

However, the preferences of the animal should also be taken into account – many cats prefer dry food more, and eat wet food without much enthusiasm. If necessary, you can combine these foods: leave some wet food in the bowl and add some dry food so that the animal can eat as needed. Dry food is more convenient than wet food, as it can last longer. If the animal does not eat it right away, it will be able to come up to the bowl during the day.

An important advantage of dry food is the provision of additional hygiene of the animal’s oral cavity – such food additionally cleanses the pet’s oral cavity, removes plaque from the teeth. If your cat has some digestive or kidney problems, it is best to give preference to wet food, as it increases the overall moisture level in the body and the formation of a large amount of urine. This allows you to establish the functioning of the bladder and stabilize the functioning of the kidneys – such a moment is very useful for animals that are prone to cystitis.

When compiling our ranking of the best cat food, we took all these points into account, paid attention to the price-quality ratio of the food and took into account user feedback. As a result, the review included only the most popular brands that have long been tested by time and have a beneficial effect on animal health.

The best cat food

10. ProPlan

Despite the low cost, this brand belongs to the premium class, and this line includes food for a wide variety of categories – kittens, adults, animals with specific diseases. All commercially available food can be divided into three large groups – dry, wet and medicated food. However, the latter is allowed to be given to the animal only on the recommendation of a veterinarian. The convenience of this cat food lies in the fact that it contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal development and vital activity of the animal, so the pet owner does not have to worry about purchasing additional baits or additives.

The line of food for kittens is made exclusively in dry form, it contains a decent amount of protein – about 40% of the total mass, fat about 20%, which contributes to additional nutritional value of the feed. Of the trace elements, a large amount of magnesium and calcium is observed in it, which strengthen bones and teeth, and also put in order the urinary system of the animal. In addition, there is a line designed for sterilized cats: it is produced both dry and in bags or in cans. It perfectly strengthens the skin, normalizes the condition of the coat, the bladder and all the mucous membranes of the animal.


  • Perfectly balanced composition designed for different types of pets – kittens, adults, sick and neutered animals;
  • High quality;
  • Provides good health benefits for the cat.

9. Brit Premium

This brand has been on the market for over 20 years, however, it appeared on the shelves in our country not too long ago, so most pet owners are wary of it. This food is high quality food, taking into account all age norms and other characteristics of the animal. This food is perfectly absorbed by the intestines, and the occurrence of heavy by-substances that can cause serious harm to the cat’s body is not allowed. All feeds of this brand are produced on the basis of the latest veterinary achievements, thanks to which the pet receives all the necessary substances and elements. In addition to the required proteins, fats and lipids, the food contains unique substances that can significantly improve the course of key biological processes in the feline body.

Literally a few days after the start of using this food, the pet’s diet becomes balanced, digestion returns to normal. The coat acquires a natural shine, and the body begins to better resist all sorts of diseases. Both dry and wet food can be found commercially available in bags or canned food. The composition contains exclusively natural ingredients, genetically modified products are completely absent.


  • The highest quality workmanship – the food is made on the basis of natural meat;
  • The animal’s coat becomes shiny, soft and silky a few days after the start of food intake;
  • The animal becomes more and more energetic.


  • Some varieties are supplemented with wheat and corn, the nutritional value of which leaves much to be desired.

8. Hills

Today this manufacturer is characterized by a large number of positive reviews among buyers. They celebrate high quality standards and an expanded product line. On the shelves of pet stores you can find dry, wet and canned food of the Dutch or American production. Most feeds are universal – suitable for healthy animals, for pets with diseases of the digestive tract or circulatory system, and can also be used as a prophylactic agent in order to prevent the occurrence of various kinds of diseases. These feeds differ according to the type of meat that is used for their manufacture – chicken, beef and rabbit. To them add corn flour and rice: these products are intended to saturate the cat’s body with fiber and carbohydrates.

It will not be possible to find such products on the shelves of ordinary stores; it is sold exclusively in specialized retail outlets. The manufacturer himself divides all cat food into two large groups – for healthy and therapeutic nutrition. The latter variety is ideal for aged animals, with its help you can quickly establish the digestive system, tidy up the coat and prevent a number of serious diseases.


  • One of the lowest prices among deluxe feeds;
  • Expanded product line – you can quickly select food for an animal, depending on its taste preferences and physiological characteristics;
  • A large number of different nutrients that will be useful in a young, mature and old age of your pet.


  • Too high amount of carbohydrates and plant proteins in some types of food.

7. Arden Grange

This product is produced exclusively in dry form and is produced in the UK. The food is characterized by excellent taste characteristics. It easily allows you to provide a cat with a complete diet, regardless of age, breed and health status of the animal. Such food includes the maximum complex of organic compounds and mineral trace elements. A cat that takes this food immediately becomes more active and mobile. The entire product line does not provide for the content of grains and cereals, due to which it is considered the closest to the natural nutrition of the animal. The composition contains only natural high-quality components of a hypoallergenic plan. The food does not contain any flavoring or preservatives that could cause indigestion, intestinal blockages or other health problems for your cat.

Thanks to this food, the cat’s body fully satisfies its need for all useful compounds. Protein products are represented by chicken or fish meat. At the same time, the developers claim that it is the meat that is used, not the offal. In addition, a dry whole egg additionally takes on the function of protein. The percentage of plant products does not exceed 26%, the rest is meat. This amount is quite enough for the animal to receive the required amount of fiber and cellulose, and grain crops are absent here, potatoes are used instead.


  • Meat acts as a source of protein;
  • Absolute absence of grain crops;
  • All the necessary substances for the normal functioning of the animal are present;
  • There are no artificial preservatives;
  • All types of cat food are hypoallergenic food;
  • Also, there are no substances in the composition that can cause addiction to food.


  • A small amount of glucose in the formulation may cause some laxative effect.

6. 1st Choice

This Canadian-made food is recognized by veterinarians as one of the highest quality, and the same opinion is shared by cat owners who decided to use it as the main element of the animal’s diet. The range of products is wide enough, so the food can be easily selected for a pet of any breed, age, and taking into account his taste preferences. In its price category (regardless of the fact that the food belongs to the luxury class, it is characterized by a low price) food is one of the most popular.

All these products go through a large number of tests and trials. If the batch does not meet the declared quality standards, then it is not allowed for sale. / This allows you to be completely sure that the composition of the product indicated on the package really matches the composition of the content. All foods produced under this brand are balanced nutrition for cats of all ages. They contain about 28-30% of protein, which fully satisfies the daily requirement of the animal for this product. All proteins used in the production of such food are of animal origin and dietary – poultry, fish and rabbit meat. In addition, the composition contains fish oil, flaxseed, chicken eggs and rice groats. One of the distinguishing elements is yucca extract, which helps to eliminate bad breath from the pet’s mouth, and also removes the smell of animal secretions.


  • Expanded product range;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Strict quality control;
  • The food is great for cats with allergies;
  • Reduces the presence of unpleasant odors.


  • Slightly high salt content, which makes the animal very thirsty.


This food was developed by a wide staff of specialists, which includes professional veterinarians, breeders and livestock specialists. This line includes more than 20 items that fully comply with all world standards for cat food. In the composition you can find extracts of vegetables and fruits, various medicinal herbs, minerals and vitamins. In addition to feeding, the animal receives everything it needs to maintain health and activity. There are special foods designed for pregnant cats: when consumed, all kittens in the litter will be born full-term, fully developed, due to which their growth will be normal, the probability of the death of at least one kitten is reduced to zero.

The food is made on the basis of dietary fish or poultry meat, which contains a large amount of omega-3 acids, which keep the coat and skin healthy. In addition, this food is characterized by the presence of a large percentage of proteins with a high content of useful amino acids, there is also dry extract of chicken eggs, apple, pear, beet flour and other products that are responsible for saturating the cat’s body with fiber.


  • The percentage of meat content varies depending on the food in the range of 20-40%;
  • All useful substances of natural origin;
  • Most pet stores sell the food;
  • You can choose individual food for the animal;
  • High degree of quality control;
  • Availability.


  • Some ingredients are not exactly named;

A number of feeds contain allergenic substances.

4. NOW Natural

Another Canadian brand that produces a range of natural cat food. The main distinguishing characteristic of this food is the absolute absence of grain crops. This food is intended both to satisfy hunger, and to protect his health, maintain his emotional state. All components are connected to each other so that the cat gets the maximum benefit from them. The developers have tried to make the pet’s food as close as possible to the diet that the animal receives in the wild. This type of food is ideal for cats as it acts as an excellent preventive measure for most diseases. Even with a large amount of food, obesity of the animal is not allowed, the cat will always be healthy and energetic.

The ratio of nutrients, in particular, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, is optimal, largely due to this, this cat food should be classified as luxury. The protein contained in this food belongs to chicken, duck or turkey meat. In addition, there are salmon fish meal additives that are not allergenic to the feline body. The bulk of the fats contained in the diet is fish oil.


  • A useful and carefully balanced complex of all substances necessary for the feline body;
  • High quality of the components used;
  • Strict compliance of the description with the actual content;
  • The animal does not develop obesity.


  • Quite expensive products;
  • Designed for healthy individuals, there is no healthy diet.

3. Acana

The fourth place in our ranking of the best cat food was taken by another Canadian brand. It is an environmentally friendly food for animals with the highest hypoallergenic characteristics. The production of food is carried out in the ecologically clean northern region of Canada. The composition includes poultry meat, which is grown in free-range conditions – such a product is considered one of the most valuable. In addition to it, this includes sea and river fish, eggs and red meat, represented, as a rule, by fresh beef. All vegetables included in the composition are thoroughly tested and purchased exclusively from reliable suppliers. The company never uses frozen products in the process of making feed, only fresh products are always introduced. The quality of all components is ideal, and the composition is balanced, so this food is especially popular among cat owners.

The food is perfect for kittens and adult animals. Thanks to such a diet, the animal will receive everything it needs for normal life, so the owners will not have to think about the acquisition of various vitamins and minerals. Everything that a cat needs is included in the diet in the required amount.


  • Exclusively natural product composition;
  • Excessive carbohydrate content is not provided;
  • A good balance of all nutrients;
  • Excellent taste characteristics;
  • Salt balance is normal – the cat drinks a moderate amount of water after eating food.


  • There are no medicated feeds in the line.

2. Orijen cat food

Despite its rather high cost, this food rightfully takes the third line in our review of the best food for cats. It contains all the necessary elements that will not only be useful for the animal, but also provide excellent taste characteristics of this food. On sale you can find dry food, as well as a diet in bags, cans and vacuum packed. This product retains freshness for a long time and all the beneficial qualities that have a positive effect on the health of the animal. The food contains natural meat that has previously passed strict veterinary control: in particular, it does not contain hormones and antibiotics, various preservatives, it fully complies with the dietary requirements for animal nutrition.

The main ingredients here are fresh dehydrated chicken and turkey meat with the addition of beef and chicken liver, eggs, meat of several fish species. As a result, about 42% of the total mass is animal protein. There are also plant components – red and green lentils, peas, and other crops rich in natural carbohydrates.


  • Highest class of workmanship;
  • A decent percentage of meat and fish content;
  • Adequate fiber.


  • Expensive.

1. Jaguar Essential Foods

The products represent optimal nutrition for both small kittens and adult cats, regardless of their breeds and sizes, and are also suitable for spayed or neutered by adding products to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system. Produced in England from farm products. The recipe for preparing the food is unique, and it contains up to 95% of meat and fish products – chicken, duck, salmon, trout, eggs, and so on, so even the most picky animal in food will give preference to such a diet. All ingredients are of very high quality, the food does not contain grains, fully complies with the BOF principle. They are balanced in such a way that the animal retains its activity for a long time, with their help it is possible to maintain a stable blood sugar level throughout the day. Natural meat is cooked at a rather low temperature, so it retains all the useful elements, minerals and vitamins, unlike most other feeds. The products have a positive effect on the psychological balance of the animal due to the uniform blood sugar level.

It is not so much a food as a complete food for cats. The composition contains probiotics that allow you to maintain and restore the intestinal microflora of the animal, normalize the stool, and get rid of bloating. Plant products include pear, carrot, spinach, cauliflower, ginseng, green tea and so on. All of them have a positive effect on the condition of the pet’s coat and restore its natural healthy shine.


  • Grain-free formula.
  • Using fresh, boneless meat.
  • Ingredients of English and Scottish origin.
  • The meat is grown free-range.
  • A large number of medicinal berries and herbs.
  • All food ingredients are suitable for human consumption.
  • Restores the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • It contains only natural ingredients;
  • The meat is cooked at a low temperature of up to 90 degrees (ยฐ C), retaining all the useful properties.


  • Not common.


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