UPS Driver Adopts Huge Pit Bull After Owner Dies

Ups Driver adopts huge Pitbull after owner dies

Katie Newhouser is a UPS driver who lives in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Every time she approached the apartment complex where a huge pit bull named Leo lived, he would wave to her and jump into her truck. And when she found out that Leo’s mom died, she offered to give him a temporary home, but she became so close to her new brother that she decided to give him a forever home.

Katie told Life With Dogs:

I met Leo and his mother Tina on my itinerary, they lived in a condominium where I deliver. He always barked for her to let him get in the truck to see me. He rode in my truck and it felt like home!

Driver adopts huge pit bull after his owner died

Ups Driver adopts huge Pitbull after owner dies

A year ago, Katie had gone on vacation, and when she returned to her route she realized that Tina’s son, Canon, was leaving the complex carrying furniture in the back of her truck.

Ups Driver adopts huge Pitbull after owner dies

Tina had told her that the association was teasing her about Leo, the residents had complained that she should wear a muzzle (even though he was a friendly guy), so she thought Tina was moving.

Ups Driver adopts huge Pitbull after owner dies

When Katie checked the woman’s Facebook profile, she was saddened to discover that she had died.

Canon was finishing his training in the Marines, so Katie approached him and offered to take the pit bull until she returned.

But during the time she had him, Leo had become close friends with Moose, his another dog of his, and they both agreed that they could not be separated.

She said that Tina’s family finally agreed that it would be better for Leo to stay with her permanently, since he had already joined hers with five other pets of hers and seemed happy.

Ups Driver adopts huge Pitbull after owner dies

Katie said:

I realized that Leo had joined my dog โ€‹โ€‹Moose and he could not go back to being one dog.

Besides Moose, Leo now has three other siblings: a dog named Bailey, and two cats, Madison and Mocha. Although Leo has adjusted very well to his new family, it was clear that in the beginning he really missed his mother.

Ups Driver adopts huge Pitbull after owner dies

Katie explained:

At first he was a little sad, he complained a little at night. I think he missed Tina.

Leo is happy with his new family forever

Ups Driver adopts huge Pitbull after owner dies

Katie told Inside Edition:

I feel like this was the best scenario for him, he already knew me and I feel like there is a great bond between us. He is always the first to greet me at the door when I come home and the one who is always closest to me when I sleep.

Until she found Leo, Katie had no idea how bad the stigma surrounding pit bulls was, and now she happily advocates for them by telling people that Leo is a sweetheart, and how much personality he has.

Ups Driver adopts huge Pitbull after owner dies

She added:

He loves to take things off the counter and make you chase him. He is a character! He really is the best dog.

Ups Driver adopts huge Pitbull after owner dies

Katie said that she believes that all things happen for a reason and that Tina can now know that her best friend is cared for with lots of love.

NOTE: Katie removed the tooth necklace with which we see Leo in the photos, after understanding that it is very dangerous and can hurt him.

Images : Katie Newhouser

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