Wet food recommendations for puppies

Wet food recommendations for puppies

Feeding a puppy thought out to the smallest detail is the main rule for the normal development of the body, the prevention of health problems in the future. Many owners prefer canned foods which animals like more than “drying”. In addition, products with a good composition are better absorbed, less likely to cause indigestion and an allergic reaction. We will tell you how to give wet food to puppies, what mistakes should be avoided when compiling the menu.

The main rule is a careful choice of canned foods

A nice label, attractive advertising, and even a high price are not always the guarantee of a balanced and safe composition. The budget segment should not be taken into account at all, since the leading positions in the composition of such products are wheat (allergen), corn (poorly perceived by the gastrointestinal tract, also leads to adverse reactions). Protein ingredients, without which normal growth is impossible, are extremely low – up to 5-15%. And the daily protein rate for a dog during the developmental period is 60-70%.

Premium canned puppy food also does not have an ideal composition. Let’s take the example of one of the advertised manufacturers:

  • Meat and meat products. The number of components is not indicated, there is no information about the origin of the meat. Most likely, the manufacturer uses low-quality industrial waste, for example, meat and bone meal. The owner must also be alerted by the mention “protein-mineral supplement”.
  • Eggs and egg products. First, eggs are an allergen and not suitable for all animals. Secondly, the manufacturer also did not indicate the percentage of the component.
  • Cereals. A cheap source of carbohydrates that cause allergies, skin problems, indigestion. The dog’s body is not able to fully digest wheat, corn and barley. Rice and buckwheat are considered animal-safe carbohydrates, but they should contain no more than 20-25%.
  • Minerals. The manufacturer again uses vague wording and does not indicate the percentage. It is possible that chemical components are used that can harm the puppy.
  • Oils and fats. Their origin is not specified, so the ingredient is uncertain.

The best canned puppy food is super premium and holistic. The former contains 40-60% protein, the latter 60-70% or more. However, it is still necessary to read the composition – in order to exclude unwanted components.

When it comes to feeding your puppy wet food, you need to consider the consistency of the food. Mousses and pรขtรฉs are only suitable for very young children. From 2-3 months, it is better to give the dog canned food, consisting of finely chopped pieces of meat, offal, vegetables. The animal does not swallow such food, but chews it carefully, so that it is properly absorbed. In addition, the jaw muscles are trained.

Amount of wet food and feeding the puppy

Many owners wonder how much wet food puppies need. Recommendations for the quantity of the product are indicated on the label. However, holistic manufacturers often produce universal canned foods for puppies and adult pets. In this case, approximately 50% must be added to the indicated rate if the animal is less than 7 months old.

When calculating the number of grams of wet food to give your puppy, pay attention to:

  • Animal activity level. If a dog plays or runs for more than an hour a day, he needs more canned food than a calm animal.
  • Indicators of normal weight according to age. Do not overfeed your puppy. Excess weight slows dog growth, negatively affects bone and muscle development, and harms the liver and heart. Excess weight is especially harmful for brachycephalic – animals with flattened muzzles (Bulldog, Pug, Pekingese, Shar Pei).
  • Animal behavior. The dog should eat the entire portion and not beg for treats. If food regularly remains in the bowl, or if the pet, on the contrary, all the time walks around the dishes with sad eyes, then the feeding rate should be reconsidered.

From an early age, it is necessary to accustom the puppy to the diet. Veterinarians recommend the following diet:

  • 6 times a day – for babies up to 2 months;
  • 5 times a day – for dogs aged 2 to 3 months;
  • 4 times a day – for animals up to six months old;
  • 3 times – for pets 6-9 months old.

Then you need to transfer the puppy to adult mode – 2 meals a day.


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