Why Did A Cat Stop Going To The Tray

why did cat stop going tray

Toilet training is a rather painstaking task, which is why many breeders prefer to give their kittens away only after they have completed this difficult course. But even such exemplary animals can neglect the established rules. If the cat began to spoil not in the tray – do not rush to scold her. There is a high chance that she was not to blame for what happened.

Does it happen that a cat went to the tray, but suddenly stopped?

Urination and defecation in the wrong places are completely normal for wild animals picked up on the street. But if your pet is famous for its cleanliness, then such behavior requires increased attention. All possible reasons explaining why a cat stopped going to the tray can be divided into 2 large groups: physiological and psychological.

Physiological causes

This group includes hormonal changes, pathologies and instincts. Only diseases of the urinary system pose a real danger, so it is very important to make sure that they are absent.

Sexual hunting or hormonal failure

During sexual hunting, males are active, scaring away competitors and attracting females. This period is easy to track by frequent serenades, unusual aggression and a strong smell of urine.

Kittens can also mark their territory during or during pregnancy. In the second case, this instinct is aimed at scaring away potential enemies that can harm unborn kittens.

It is important to exclude here. Despite similar signs, such a hormonal failure can result in mastitis and other dangerous complications.

Diseases of the urinary system

The cat may urinate in the wrong place due to frequent urination or severe pain. In the first case, she simply does not have time to run to the toilet, and in the second, she tries to find more secluded corners in the hope of getting rid of unpleasant sensations.

Common diseases of the genitourinary system include:

  1. The most common cause of bladder inflammation is bacterial infection. Accompanied by frequent urination, acute pain and a gradual reduction in the amount of outgoing urine to a couple of drops.
  2. (ICB). It develops when the ureter is blocked by large stones. A sick cat urinates blood, as the sharp edges of the stones injure the mucous membranes.
  3. Urethritis. Occurs as a complication of cystitis or KSD and affects the urethra. The main signs of this disease are the presence of purulent impurities in the urine and the ammonia or acetone smell of the skin.
  4. Bladder atony. It is typical for older animals experiencing dystrophic changes in organs and tissues. Their muscles lose their strength and elasticity, so the bladder ceases to cope with its main function – holding urine. It starts to leak, and the pet simply does not have time to get to the toilet in time.

If you notice any warning signs, be sure to contact your veterinarian. Timely treatment will help avoid complications and speed up the healing process.

Defending the territory

When a new pet appears in the โ€œold-timersโ€, the instinct of possessiveness often awakens. Marking the corners, they demonstrate their superiority, wiping the nose of four-legged competitors.

Psychological reasons

This group includes any factors that affect the psychological state of the animal. In addition to severe stress and other emotional upheavals, an unfamiliar smell can cause dislike for the bathroom.

Didn’t like the new tray or filler

If you recently changed the tray to another model, then most likely it’s all about the strong smell of plastic and the absence of cat marks. Also, the pet may be confused by the appearance of the product if the purchased toilet is fundamentally different from its previous version.

Similar feelings are caused by the change of the filler. Flavored options are only good for humans. Mustachioed pets smell much more acutely, so the floral fragrance only scares them away.

Dissatisfaction can also be explained by the consistency of the filler. Highly absorbent silica gel granules crackle very loudly when instilled, causing fear or irritation of the animal.

Rearrangement in the place where the pot stands

Small changes or major repairs in the bathroom can seriously confuse your pet. It is especially difficult to tolerate the combination of a toilet with a bathroom. Most cats, so moving their potty to a potentially dangerous place will look like a challenge to find a new toilet in another part of the house.

The appearance of a new smell in the latrine of a cat

Another reason for the appearance of a new smell is moving. Having lost the usual track, the cat simply does not understand where exactly he should go to the toilet.

Also, your pet can be scared away by an automatic air freshener. Unlike conventional, it will leave a pleasant fragrance in the room on a permanent basis. Although convenient, this device can provoke allergies in your pet or severe stress due to sudden puffs.

Distraction to a sharp sound at a crucial moment is not the most pleasant development of events. Do not be surprised if the cat will go around the toilet with this terrible device a mile away – and do his business behind a more harmless sofa.

Lack of privacy

The location of the toilet plays a significant role. It is easy to understand that it is very, very difficult to concentrate when you are constantly being looked at or distracted by extraneous sounds. An open door, a noisy company and proximity to household appliances are not the best solution for comfortable emptying of the bladder.

Revenge, resentment, severe stress

Defeating past the tray, animals take revenge for the offense. If you raised your hand to your pet or scolded after a few hours from the moment of committing a bad deed, then he will remember only your cruelty. Such parenting methods never bring anything good, so try to refuse them so as not to spoil the relationship.

Another possible reason for resentment is a lack of attention. Owners who spend a lot of time at work often forget to play with their pets. And if another pet or child has appeared in your house, then the existing resentment will only increase.

The choice of a more secluded corner can also be explained by severe stress. It occurs when you change your place of residence, after a recent visit to the veterinarian or an unpleasant hygiene procedure. Also, the cat may worry about the large number of strangers gathered in the house.

What to do if a cat or a cat stopped going to the tray

First, observe your pet to figure out the reason for his behavior. In most cases, you can deal with the problem on your own. The help of a veterinarian is required only when a disease is detected.

Cause Calculation

First of all, it is recommended to make sure that there are no pathologies. The main symptoms of urological diseases include:

  • Plaintive meowing or rumbling when trying to urinate, announcing acute pain;
  • The smell of rot and ammonia from excreted urine;
  • Fever and general weakness, expressed by increased drowsiness, apathy and refusal to eat;
  • With a gradual reduction in the volume of allocations;
  • The appearance of blood and pus in the urine, as well as a change in its color;
  • Sharp pain when probing the bladder.

If, among the warning signs, you observe only poor appetite and weak activity, then most likely your pet is experiencing increased anxiety. In this case, it is recommended to eliminate provoking factors and try to pay more attention to it.

While maintaining the frequency of urination and the volume of urine excreted, the loss of cleanliness is explained by harmless psychological reasons, territorial instinct and frivolous hormones. In the first two cases, education and rearrangement will help you, and in the last case, sterilization or castration.

Please note that taking hormonal drugs that suppress sexual activity should be avoided. They give only a temporary lull and are often accompanied by even more serious complications.

Treatment of urological diseases

If you are convinced that the cat began to write not in the tray due to illness – just follow the recommendations of the veterinarian. Cleanliness will return on its own after recovery.

The method of treatment will depend on the disease:

  1. Cystitis. The urea is cleaned with a catheter with antibiotics and antiseptics. Its artificial emptying is carried out only in an emergency. All other drugs depend on the accompanying symptoms and the cause of the inflammation.
  2. ICD. Accumulated stones are destroyed by surgery, catheterization or a change in diet. If a secondary infection is detected, the animal undergoes a course of antibiotic therapy.
  3. Urethritis. Treatment of this disease is similar to cystitis. A mustachioed patient is prescribed antibiotics and diuretics to destroy the pathogen and stabilize urination.
  4. Atony. The main method of treatment is catheterization. If a prostate tumor is found, surgery is performed. In other cases, it is recommended to undergo a course of massage and manual stimulation of the bladder at certain hours.

A therapeutic diet is also mandatory. It provides for a reduced intake of proteins and fats. Animals that are on dry food are transferred to specialized feed. Their regular use normalizes the outflow of urine, reduces the number of stones and reduces the load on the liver and kidneys.

Education and rearrangement

A second appointment is required after severe stress related to a move, the arrival of a new family member, or a recent illness. In this case, follow these tips:

  1. Take the animal to the toilet every time it tries to sit in the wrong place. Do not scold him, so as not to provoke negative associations. The only acceptable instruments of punishment are a spray gun or hand clap.
  2. Praise your pet for success. Reward is the best way to train, so don’t skimp on petting and treats.
  3. Make sure that the number of trays exceeds the number of pets. Ideally, each of them should have 2 pieces. This will eliminate competition.
  4. Do everything to make the chosen crime scene repulsive for the cat. Repellent sprays, citrus peels, double-sided tape, rustling foil and water will help you with this.
  5. Change the potty to another model. If your pet has been in a lot of pain due to cystitis, then he will probably blame his litter box.

Anti-anxiety medications can help you deal with stress. Their reception must be agreed with the veterinarian.

Make sure that the tray is located in a dark and quiet room, excluding the sudden appearance of uninvited guests. A special opening in the door will help to achieve perfect privacy, allowing you to keep the toilet room closed.

Refuse to use air fresheners and household chemicals with fragrances. When washing the tray, use plain water with a little chlorine to keep the natural smell.

When replacing a cat pot, do not rush to throw out the old one. If the animal stubbornly ignores a new thing, put a diaper in it soaked with a small amount of urine from your favorite toilet.

Try not to change the filler to a radically different look. But if this cannot be avoided, just try all the remaining options until you get approval from your pet. As a last resort, you can try to toilet train him.


If the cat refuses to go to the tray – be sure to make sure that she is healthy. Prolonged retention of urine is fraught with rupture of the bladder, so try not to miss the first symptoms of diseases of the urinary system.


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