Woman Comforts Cat Amid Air Raid Sirens In Ukraine

woman comforts cat half sirens air raid ukraine

This woman comforts a frightened cat to the sound of sirens warning of an airstrike in Ukraine.

Millions of people lose everything they have built, after the attacks on major cities in Ukraine, and not only humans have been affected, but thousands of animals are facing the devastating consequences of war. Loud noises, lack of food and abandonment are the order of the day.

But even in the midst of these critical times, there are people who did not abandon these helpless beings and stayed in the cities to protect the animals. Recently, a reporter managed to capture heartwarming footage of a woman comforting a cat amid the ruins of a city.

According to Bored Panda, Trey Yingst, a foreign journalist living in Ukraine, shared the video on social media where the woman is seen carrying the feline in her arms, bringing her some comfort as the air raid sirens sound. in the city of Kyiv.

A woman comforts a cat in the midst of war

Woman comforts a cat ukraine
Twitter / @TreyYingst

This video reminds us that not only are people suffering and affected by the difficult situation the country is facing at the moment, but animals are also bearing the brunt of this conflict.

Just like the woman and the feline, there are many stories in the midst of this war; the lives people have built have been shattered, so hugging an animal can be the line between losing everything and having hope.

Many images floating around the internet reflect people’s need to cling to their pets as comfort and a reminder of what they once knew was a normal, happy life.

Of course, it is also a traumatic situation for the animals, to be in the midst of attacks, explosions and fires and in the worst case losing their loved ones. The need for affection becomes stronger than ever.

Man comforts a cat ukraine
Instagram / ukraine.ua

According to Transitions Life Care, people who stay with their pets have the idea that their pets can provide them with purpose and a reason to get out of bed when they’re feeling particularly depressed or anxious. In the case of a war, the motivation can become greater and really necessary.

Refugees and their pet
Instagram / vogue_ukraine

It is really difficult to know where all the current chaos that Ukraine is experiencing and the desolation of its people will lead to having to leave everything they know. What we can do is continue to be empathetic, kind and humble, because you never know when it will be our turn to need help and comfort from a stranger.


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