Many people are used to sleeping with their pets, they like it and it’s a demonstration of love that strengthens the bond with them. Plus, when you have cats, you know they’ll always be looking for a place in your bed to snuggle up to.
This situation is very common, people fall asleep and when they wake up they have their little ones by their side. But imagine you wake up and find a feline sleeping next to you and it turns out you’ve never seen it in your life.
This funny anecdote happened to Jacey Johnson, in Canterbury, England. One morning he was sleeping peacefully in his bed; a few hours after work, she woke up and next to her was a feline lying down watching her sleep.
Woman finds cat curled up in bed

Jacey has a little kitten and two older ones; Coincidentally, two of her cats are black and white (just like the one she found in her bed), for a few minutes she thought it was one of them, but after shaking her sleep, she realized that was not the case.
The adorable feline was at home, relaxed on the bed, looking at Jacey as simply as if they were friends for life.

After a while, Jacey started to connect the dots and remembered that she had seen the cat around the building several times. She started to pull him out, but it didn’t take long for her to come back through the cat door. he was in no hurry to leave.

Obviously very curious and outgoing, the apartment owner had to take to Facebook and post the adorable cat in the hope that her family would show up. The post has since gone viral, garnering hundreds of likes and has been shared multiple times.

Thanks to this, the publication reached Claire Tucker, the cat’s mother, she said her name was Felix. She comments that he and his brother are stray cats and like to take long walks.

The situation amused many animal lovers, who enjoyed and laughed at the story. While Jacey waited for the family to pick up Felix, he made himself at home and enjoyed every minute.

Claire says she is so grateful to have her “cheeky boy”, who turned two on November 1, back in his beloved home.

She said, according to KentOnline News:
“He’s been a rock to my autistic daughter and comforts her when she breaks down. But it’s [a struggle] trying to bring him home because he loves her adventures and shares her love.”

Fรฉlix has already returned safe and sound, but if we are sure of one thing, it’s that many adventures await him around the corner.
For those who really enjoyed this story, follow Fรฉlix and his adventures on his Instagram account.
Images: Instagram / @felix.thefabulous
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