Woman Moved to New House and Found a Cat Outside That Keeps Coming Back

woman new house found cat outside

When Stephanie Perfect moved into a new house a few years ago, she didn’t expect her life to change so drastically.

Shortly after Stephanie moved into her new home, she noticed a hungry and wary cat peeking into her house through a gap in the hedge. The cat came to the house several times after that.

Then she asked the neighbors about the cat, and they said the previous owners had abandoned the poor feline on the street four years before she moved. All the while, neighbors were leaving food and treats for him.

The woman also began feeding the cat, and soon it began coming to her door every day. At the same time, he only started eating when Stephanie left and closed the door behind her. This lasted about a year.

Stephanie constantly talked to her guest and left him treats every day. Over time, he stayed near her house longer and longer and managed to get used to the woman. Stephanie built him a house from a large container and warm blankets – the cat quickly realized that he was warm and safe there.

woman new house found cat outside
Facebook / The Adventures of Buddy

It was to be expected: Stephanie woke up one morning to find this cat right outside her door!

woman new house found cat outside
Facebook / The Adventures of Buddy
woman new house found cat outside
Facebook / The Adventures of Buddy

“Then I slowly leaned down and gently started petting his head and scratching his ears. He fell on his back and allowed me to scratch his belly. From that moment on, he became my Buddyโ€ Stephanie told Love Meow.

woman new house found cat outside
Facebook / The Adventures of Buddy

So, Buddy became a frequent guest of the woman. When she gained enough trust, she took the cat to the vet โ€“ he was fine, but he was diagnosed with feline immunodeficiency virus. However, cats with this virus can live long, healthy lives if they are well cared for.

woman new house found cat outside
Facebook / The Adventures of Buddy

โ€œI started letting him into the house and sometimes he would stay with me. Once I presented Buddy with a cat toy with feathers, and he ran and jumped like crazy,โ€ recalls the female. โ€œWhen he first let me hold him, he whispered really loudly.โ€

woman new house found cat outside
Facebook / The Adventures of Buddy

Stephanie often pampers the cat with delicious preserves – during the time spent with her, he has transformed into a noble gourmet!

From a modest and shy cat, Buddy transformed into a gentle and playful guy.

woman new house found cat outside
Facebook / The Adventures of Buddy

Last year the time came when Buddy finally decided he was now a house cat. He didn’t want to go anywhere, because next to him was the most caring hostess!

woman new house found cat outside
Facebook / The Adventures of Buddy

โ€œNow he lives like a king,โ€ says Stephanie. And the truth is – everything is read by the expression of this satisfied muzzle!

woman new house found cat outside
Facebook / The Adventures of Buddy

“We’ve been with him for many years, and I can’t tell which one of us saved who. Because he fills my heart with such joy. I’m so lucky that Buddy chose me and m ‘I trusted,’ said the woman.

Images: Facebook / The Adventures of Buddy – the no longer stray outdoor kitty


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