Amid the lockdowns and restrictions due to Covid 19, Kelly Walker, a 43-year-old British citizen, decided to book a vacation in Turkey. After divorcing, the woman returned to live with her mother, foreseeing that her next destination would be the seaside town of Antalya.
In November 2020, he finally got his well-deserved vacation, but while exploring the grounds, he came across two cats living on a cliff. Apparently, Delilah and Harriet had lived around a spa for a long time, and they clearly needed urgent help.
The cats had serious health problems and they were unlikely to survive, so the woman decided to save them and take them to her homeland.
Woman spends thousands of euros to save two cats

That way Kelly started a process of helping the cat couple and getting them home, but it wouldn’t be an easy task. However, the woman was willing to do whatever she could to help the cats, even using her savings from a mortgage and whatever.
Kelly has established several schedules to feed the cats, and thus gain the confidence of the felines and be able to save them from the cliff. Then he was able to grab them and take them to a veterinary clinic for much-needed treatment, which cost over $ 3,000.
She also had the two felines sterilized, vaccinated and provided all the treatments necessary to regain health, whatever the cost.

Kelly said according to METRO:
“This money wasn’t just to spend on anything, but I couldn’t leave these poor little souls like that with no one to help them.”
After all, many people have bought pets or helped animals in confinement to try and make sense of their lives.
The woman had to return home, but was unable to take the two cats with her, so she decided to return to Turkey in January of this year. Due to restrictions, Kelly attempted to return to Antalya, via Romania and Istanbul, but was detained at Istanbul Airport.
Kelly commented:
“In Istanbul, they checked my passport and asked me where I was from. They said: “You have to isolate yourself here”, it was a Turkish refuge, and I replied: “No, I cannot do that”, then they said: “You cannot leave the airport.”

The woman was stranded for several days at the airport, with limited access to food and drink, so decided to return to the UK. Nonetheless, Kelly managed to accommodate the two cats in a pet hotel and paid for their accommodation until she could return in October 2021.
This time, the woman was ready to take the two rescued cats, but returned again empty-handed, due to animal export protocols.
Kelly added:
“When I got to the airport with the cats, obviously, on my way back to the UK, they told me point blank: ‘It can’t be. They can’t fly to the UK from here.”

By this time, the woman had already spent over $ 14,000,000, so she felt she couldn’t do more for them. Despite this, Kelly asked various airlines and got essentially the same answer, but was not giving up hope that she could help them.
As a last option, the woman contacted an animal rights group that watches over animal rights and was able to bring the catโs home.
The woman finally reunited with Harriet and Delilah on October 23, and after so much trouble and obstacles, it all seemed to make sense.

Kelly said:
“I know I spent this money and I’m not making a lot, I’m just a hairdresser, but it made me feel like I did something worthwhile.”
In the end, Kelly spent almost $ 19,000, but what really matters is that she can now enjoy her life with her two cats.
Images: Kelly Walker
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