A Woman Transforms An Old Wooden Crate Into A Mansion For Her Dogs

woman transformed wooden box mansion dogs

An Australian Woman Has Turned An Old Wooden Box Into A Cute Miniature Property For Her Adorable Dogs; using items from a very popular store called Bunnings.

Vikki Tonkin wanted to go out of her way to build the dream home for her beloved pets, so she dedicated many hours of her time to make it happen.

The first thing he did was to recycle the wooden box, which he painted in a blue tone with stripes and some white details. Then he put a corrugated iron roof on top and decorated the outside with pretty flowers and pretty pots.

A woman transformed a wooden crate into a doghouse

woman transformed wooden box mansion dogs

Additionally, fake grass has been added around it, a welcome mat and there are even a few solar lights that help light up the house.

Vikki wrote on Facebook:

“We thought of turning an old wooden crate into this beautiful doghouse for our fur babies, complete with planters and scalloped lighting.”

woman transformed wooden box mansion dogs

There is also a water tank on the side of the house, and with the help of their partner, they used an enclosure door panel which they painted black and sealed off the entire mansion.

They finished with some decorative details that they had seen in other similar gardens.

woman transformed wooden box mansion dogs

According to Vikki, the box was a gift from a friend, and seeing its size and not knowing what to do with it, they decided to build the dogs’ little palace. The woman had already seen similar versions and constructions on the Internet, which are even sold successfully, so she copied some ideas for her work.

The materials were purchased from the Bunnings store, which also has a Facebook group called Bunnings Mums, Inspiration, Hacks, Tips and Tricks, which helps create new builds.

woman transformed wooden box mansion dogs

When the mansion was ready, Vikki shared photos of her work in the group. She wanted to publicize her beautiful and cozy construction, but she did not expect the response she received from Internet users.

woman transformed wooden box mansion dogs

Vikki said:

“We loved the result of our project and just wanted to share it, we didn’t expect this kind of response.”

Those who saw Vikki’s beautiful work were delighted and surprised, as were her dogs, who also fell in love with their new home.

Thousands of Facebook users were quick to react and leave their likes, or a nice comment.

woman transformed wooden box mansion dogs

Regarding the cleaning time, Vikki explained that the roof is attached to the box, so it cannot be lifted to clean it. But there is another solution, and that is for the box to be large enough to be able to access through the door and clean the house.

woman transformed wooden box mansion dogs
woman transformed wooden box mansion dogs

For now, Vikki’s furry children will continue to enjoy their beautiful mansion, as they are happy to spend their time in this pleasant creation.

Images: Facebook / Bunnings Mums , Inspiration, Hacks, Tips And Tricks

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