A young Ukrainian woman described as a heroine helps disabled dogs abandoned by their families.
In the midst of war-torn territories, a young Ukrainian woman who helps disabled, abandoned and elderly dogs has been proclaimed a local hero, thanks to her beautiful work. Nastya Tikhaya, in addition to helping her parents’ animal shelter located in the city of Irpin, near the capital kyiv, has a special goal.
It’s about helping animals abandoned by their families or left homeless in the middle of the war, to take them to a shelter in Poland.
With the company of her husband, Arthur Lee, they managed to save many disabled dogs and other animals that needed help.
Ukrainian girl helps animals in need

Recently, a photo of the young woman walking with several disabled dogs outside Irpin has become something of an icon for people who risk their lives daily to save animals in Ukraine.
The photo caught the attention of many people and although it is very beautiful, it shows all the obstacles they have to overcome to be safe.

Most of the rescued dogs are elderly or disabled, so their families had to abandon them during the evacuation. Therefore, when the couple wants to move them to a safe place, the task is not easy, but Nastya and her husband do not want to leave them.
They often have to walk long distances, cross rubble-strewn roads and cross rivers, as Russian soldiers have demolished several bridges.

Fortunately, in some places they had the help of Ukrainian soldiers who help dogs overcome various obstacles. Sometimes people ask Nastya why save “sick” dogs, and she replies that they have the same right as a healthy animal.
Nastya said, according to Hasan Jasin:
What is the difference between being sick and being healthy? Their lives are no less precious. They are all excellent. Indeed, these invalids have endured much at the hands of man.

For the young woman, all animals deserve the same opportunity, including the sick, moreover, they also transport any type of animal that needs help.
The popular photo went viral after being posted on the shelter’s Instagram account called Snezhana zahist tvarin. The image shows people that there is no excuse to abandon their animals and, on the contrary, they can save them.

Sashko Danylenko, a Ukrainian artist who lives in the United States, wanted to pay tribute to the young rescuer.
He posted on Instagram:
Superheroes and superheroines among us! Nastya, at the risk of her life, saved a whole group of disabled dogs during the bombardment of Irpen by the Russian invaders. The young woman has a heart much bigger than all of Russia. Ukraine is invincible as long as there are people like Nastya.
The shelter wrote on Instagram:
To all the guys who say they can’t take a cat or a dog with them, it doesn’t work, and they leave the animal! See how our Nastya left Irpen! A few kilometers on foot, with dogs and cats! Even chameleons, turtles, hamsters and spiders were able to survive.
Nastya and her husband managed to save the lives of many abandoned animals, but their task is far from over.

As they continue to save animals from the streets, they ask for help because the ground is unsafe and they need pharmaceuticals. They also need supplies and food, as most of the animals they rescue have a dire need to satisfy their hunger.

If you want to collaborate in the incredible work of this couple, you can contact the Snezhana zahist tvarin refuge.
Images: Instagram / snezhana_zahist_tvarin – sashko.danylenko.art
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