He brings the cat back to the place where he found it 5 years ago: he didn’t expect this reaction

He brings the cat back to the place where he found it 5 years ago

A man who found an abandoned and helpless kitten during one of his dog walks had no doubt he had to help it. He adopted the cat without hesitation. After 5 years, he took him to the place where he met him. The animal’s reaction speaks for itself.

He found a kitten while walking his dog

Five years ago, like every day, Jomarie went for a walk with her dog. This duo loves walking together, and this time they chose a route close to home. At one point, the man saw a small cat meowing loudly, as if asking for help.

An animal lover couldn’t ignore the little crying cat. The animal was so desperate in its cries for help that at one point it even climbed onto the dog’s back. This tipped the scales and Jo could only make one decision. The cat comes home with them.

The cat couldn’t have found a better owner

Jo and her dog quickly got used to having a cat in their home. The boy stole the heart of man and his only pet. The man has no doubt that Leo is one of a kind and that they were destined to meet him on a walk.

Soon after, he created an Instagram profile for the chat, where he shares the most important moments of their life together. Leo already has fans from all over the world closely monitoring his actions. One of the latest videos shared on social networks particularly captivated them.

The cat’s behavior leaves no doubt

One day, Jo decided to go for a walk with his pet, who had perfected leash walking, to the place where he first met him. This event took place 5 years later, but he could not predict the cat’s reaction.

The recording published online shows that Lรฉo definitely does not feel comfortable in this area. He wags his tail nervously, looks around and meows. After a while, he jumps on his guardian and gently crosses it to the backpack with the baby carrier.

Watching this video, it is difficult to resist the impression that the cat has learned to know the surroundings and is afraid to find itself there again on its own. Fortunately, his beloved guardian has no plans to leave him. A bond has developed between them and it is a pleasure to watch.


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