Two blind cats were waiting at the shelter to be adopted. You won’t believe how their fate turned out

Two blind cats were waiting at the shelter to be adopted. You won't believe how their fate turned out

Bubbly and Rowan are kittens brought together by a shared history. Due to serious health infections, both cats had their eyes removed. It might seem that the blind animals would never leave the shelter again, but fate unexpectedly smiled on them.

Two cats lost their sight due to medical infections

Bubbly and Rowan are former residents of one of the shelters located in the village of South Elgin in the United States. These two cats were united by a common, rather sad story. Due to medical complications diagnosed in the cats, veterinarians were forced to undergo surgery to remove both eyes.

Bubbly was suffering from advanced corneal ulceration in one eye when she was found on the street. The second began to collapse following another serious infection. Rowan also arrived at the shelter with a diagnosed disease in both eyes, which did not respond to treatment in any way. Unfortunately, both kittens were left blind forever.

Blind cats waiting at the shelter to be adopted

After the post-surgery recovery period, the shelter staff decided to introduce Bubbly and Rowan and bring them a little closer together. The blind cats got along very well from the start and quickly established a friendly bond. They spent time not only playing pranks on the cats, but also helping each other. From then on, they were rarely seen separately.

It was time for the establishment to release an announcement regarding the possible adoption of Bubbly and Rowan. However, the volunteers secretly worried that they wouldn’t find people willing to adopt animals with permanent dysfunctions. Not everyone knows that in cats, vision loss does not significantly affect their quality of life. Thanks to their highly developed senses of smell and hearing, kittens adapt perfectly to new circumstances and enjoy life as much as other healthy fur babies. However, with so many animals waiting for adoption, the chances of blind cats certainly weren’t great.

I can’t believe what happened to the blind kittens

Despite adversity, South Elgin shelter workers kept their fingers crossed for their unique residents. After all the suffering the cats had to face in their short lives, they remained extremely sociable, loved to cuddle and explore the world around them, proving that, like any other animal, they deserve a fresh start.

Fortunately, the two best friends didn’t have to wait long to announce the good news. Just a day after the shelter posted a photo of two brave kittens online, featuring their story, people were ready to adopt them. Plus, Bubbly and Rowan will always be together: they were adopted by the same family and will therefore be able to enjoy each other’s company.


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