Golden Retriever Finds Stray Kitten, Brings It Home, Adopts It

golden retriever Finds stray kitten takes home takes care

When this golden retriever came across a little homeless kitten, he realized the animal needed help. It’s unclear what was going through this dog’s head at the time, but he saw the kitten struggling to survive and wanted to help.

The dog knew that if he picked him up and brought him home, his adoptive parents would provide him with the help he needed so badly to survive. So he thought no more and picked up the kitten with his mouth, then took it to where its owners were and put it in the family vehicle.

The dog’s owners were surprised, but before taking action they searched the entire area to see if they could find the cat’s family.

Golden retriever stumbles upon kitten and saves it

Golden retriever bumps into kitten

After several minutes, they couldn’t find a mother cat or other kittens, so they concluded she had no family. Without a feline mother by her side, the kitten’s chances of surviving on the streets were slim, so they decided to bring her home.

dog and kitten

Once there, the dog’s owner bottle-fed the kitten, to make sure he had enough strength to survive. The little boy needed 24-hour care, and luckily he had the help of this golden, who never left him.

kitten eating

As soon as the kitten was rescued, apparently, the dog wanted to adopt her and, as expected, she began to act like her mother.

This animal couple has managed to form a very strong and adorable bond of love, so much so that it melts the hearts of people who know their story.

They eat off the same plate, cuddle, play and even walk around the house together; They are two inseparable souls. They both love spending time together, they love to spend their days messing about or learning new feline tricks.

Golden eating with kitten

Without a doubt, going from having little chance of surviving on the streets, to having a golden retriever take care of you, is a real gift for this kitty.

golden retriever bumps

The kitten may not know the act of love the dog made, but he is surely very grateful to have changed his life forever. In turn, the adorable dog is happy to rescue and care for his best friend and adopted son, and will continue to do so for the rest of his life.

Images: Youtube / Viral Paws

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