This Kitten Appears Every Time A Man Goes To The Cafeteria And Once Insisted On Going Home With Him

kitten appears man visits cafeteria

Basil Akwan is a frequent patron of a local cafe, who every time he got there he was greeted by the purring of a charming kitten; One day, the feline approached Basile’s table and decided to stay by his side. The man, who loves cats, fell in love with the sweet pussy and named her Sophie.

Whenever he came to visit the cafeteria, he would bring food and candy with him for his friend, and one day, without imagining him, the kitten decided to come home with him.

Almost at the same time each day, Sophie was waiting for Basil’s visit in the cafeteria; When he wasn’t napping on the bench next to her, he was having fun purring near his laptop. She enjoyed Basil’s company, until she finally started following him like he was her little shadow.

Kitten appears every time a man visits the cafeteria

Kitten appears every time a man visits the cafeteria

Basil told Love Meow:

I used to go to the same cafe every day and saw her there.

Sophie was a homeless kitten and she had nowhere to be safe. When he decided to follow Basil after his cafeteria visit and get in his car, the man immediately took everything as a sign from the universe that she had chosen him and that she couldn’t in. be more grateful.

Basil says:

She got in my car and won my heart.

The man took his new feline companion to the vet to make sure his health was fine, and after that, Sophie went to his new home with her new father.

The adorable kitten brought Basil so much joy, and her mornings now start with Sophie stares waiting for her breakfast to be served.

Kitten and coffee shop man

Basil recalls:

(The first day at home) She was a little nervous, sniffing everything, but I think she felt safe since I was there with her. Now it is perfectly suited to indoor living.

Sophie is quite energetic and likes to mess around at home. When she feels exhausted and ready to recharge, she often snuggles up next to her father; she loves to share the pillow and blanket with him. They have an incredible and beautiful bond.

Kitten appears every man visits cafeteria

The loving kitten from this cafeteria now follows her new father into the house; if Basil is in front of the computer, Sophie is resting on her knees. They are very close and love to sunbathe together on the balcony, they are also happy to spend their days in the company of each other.

Basil adds:

She is extremely playful and I buy her a lot of toys all the time (to keep her busy). The best part is that it has adapted well to my lifestyle.

Beatiful Kitty

Sophie has turned into a feline with a great personality. She is the most loyal friend Basil could ask for and she always finds a way to make him happy.

Basile said:

I love her so much. This is the best thing that ever happened to me.

You can find out a little more about this inseparable couple of friends, by visiting their account on Instagram.

Images: Basil Akwan

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