Losing A Pet Is More Painful Than Most People Think

    Losing a pet

    Ask any pet owner about their pet and they’ll tell you how amazing and amazing it is to have a new best friend. Pets are the perfect companions. They are always happy to see their owners. Whether they’re gone for five minutes or five hours, your pets will be eagerly waiting at the door to welcome you home. They love to play and can make tricks and jokes to make everyone laugh. They are great with children and will always offer love and care, whatever the situation.

    Losing a pet

    The animals are always there to encourage everyone and quickly offer a warm hug and a little comfort if necessary. The animals are incredible! However, it makes it even more difficult to say goodbye when the time comes. It is much more painful than many people think.


    The fact that pets are such wonderful and extraordinary creatures explains why so many people find it too difficult to say goodbye when they die. However, for almost everyone, it is always like losing a best friend and a loved one. Losing an animal is and will always be a traumatic and painful experience for any owner. Many people underestimate the pain they feel after losing a dog, cat, parrot, or other pet. It is for this reason that the researchers decided to study the degree of pain that owners feel after losing their beloved pets.

    Losing a pet

    How much does it hurt?

    To find out how injured the animal owners were when they lost an animal, the researchers decided to open an investigation. The study was conducted in the Department of Psychology at the University of New Mexico. Here, the researchers interviewed pet owners about their feelings after losing their pet. Not surprisingly, all pet owners agree that the pain has been too intense and deep to manage.

    Nor is it the only research that has been done on this difficult subject. Hawaiian researchers have also launched studies on the pain experienced after the loss of a pet and, interestingly, they even found that the pain after the death of a pet is generally much more lasting than the pain felt after the loss of a loved one. Many people confirm that they simply cannot compare the pain experienced after the loss of their pet to that of the loss of a loved one. Both suffer a lot, but the fact is that pet owners are deeply connected to them. So much so that losing them is like losing your soul mate. It’s too much for the heart.

    Losing a pet

    There is no doubt: the death of a beloved pet is difficult to live with. We understand why so many people say that the pain and suffering are too much for them. As the owner of a dog, cat, or any other animal, you can’t help but think of the dreaded day of its loss. Just thinking about it is enough to stir our stomach several times. This day is inevitable, but until then it is important to have fun with our pets while we can.

    We also hope that our pets will have many years of life so that we can run and play and spend a lot of time together.


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