Morkie | Dog Breed Information & Facts – Pictures


    Without a doubt, you will be surprised when you discover the breed of dog that we are going to present: the morkie, a special puppy born from the cross between the Yorkshire terrier and the Maltese. These dogs have very special characteristics, for example, do you know that the morkie is one of the breeds of dogs considered to be the most loyal and daring? Well, it’s true!

    Do you want to get to know the morkie better? In this ‘ Pets Feed ‘ dog breed sheet, we explain all the characteristics of the morkie, its character and its care. Read on!

    Dog sheet Morkie

    Morkie photos

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    Physical characteristics

    A morkie is a small dog, whose weight is normally between 2.5 and 5 kilograms. Its height at the cross is generally between 15 and 31 centimeters.

    The body of a morkie dog is compact, with short, muscular limbs, although they are generally much longer than those of a Maltese. The tail is of medium length and thickness. The head is medium with a long and round muzzle, ending with a very dark truffle, generally black. His ears are drooping and hang over the sides of his head, being of high insertion and covered with a thick layer of hair. The eyes are rounded, dark in color and look affable and lively.

    The coat of a morkie is long and of high density. Emphasizes the softness of it, also having a woolly undercoat which promotes thermal insulation of these puppies. It does not change hair, which is why it is considered part of hypoallergenic dogs.

    The puppy

    The morkie puppy is really adorable, because it is a very small ball of fur who just wants to play and be pampered. As in other breeds of small dogs, puppies tend to be more delicate and should be monitored to avoid risks and dangers, be able to detect signs of illness or discomfort as soon as possible, such as l apathy, excessive crying or unwarranted aggression.


    The best rated and most common colors in morkie dogs are: silver, brown, white, beige and black cinnamon, and all combinations.

    Toy or tea cup

    There is a variety of smaller morkie, not more than 3.5 kilograms, so it is considered the toy variant of the breed. With the exception of the smallest size, there is no difference between a standard morkie and a toy, being of equal character and morphology.

    Character and behavior

    A standard copy of morkie is characterized by a strong temper, highlighting his stubbornness and determination. However, although for his great self-confidence, he can give the image of needing nothing from anyone, he is a very dependent dog. It is therefore necessary to pay special attention and affection if we do not want him to feel sad and alone.

    On the other hand, depending on the characteristics of the morkie referring to his character, this dog can present interaction problems with others if he is not conscientiously socialized. These problems can occur both with other pets and with people. This happens because of their great distrust of everything and everyone and their reluctance to deal with strangers, which disappears as soon as they trust others.


    The Morkie is a much healthier dog than the breeds from which it originates, considering that it is a common advantage to adopt a mixed dog. Despite this, there are a number of diseases that can affect morkie. Some of the most common are those that refer to the ears, mouth and eyes. Among them, cataracts, glaucoma or otitis stand out. It can also inherit diseases typical of yorkshires and bichones, such as patellar dislocations, tracheal collapse or chronic valvular heart failure.

    To ensure that the morkie is in good health, it is essential to practice good preventive medicine through regular visits to the veterinarian, dewormers and vaccinations. In addition, providing the basic care for morkie dogs presented in the previous sections is another key that will allow us to live with a happy and balanced dog.

    Life expectancy

    With the right care, a Morkie can live 10 to 13 years.


    The most important morkie care is to treat your addiction. In this way, if we have a morkie in our house, we must take into account the typical needs of the breed. One of the most important is to make our morkie dog feel loved and cared for, because most of the problems he may suffer are separation anxiety and the feeling of being abandoned.

    Another fundamental problem is that related to his diet. We must pay particular attention to its nutrition, because it is a sweet tooth, whose adorable face can lead us to overfeed it with treats and candies of all types. It is strongly recommended not to overdo it by giving him candy, as being overweight hurts him a lot and dogs tend to suffer from it.

    You must brush the coat of a morkie dog every day, otherwise it will get dirty and tangles will form which will become impossible to undo. Bathrooms are not essential, about one is recommended every month or a month and a half.

    History of the breed

    The Morkie breed appeared in the 1980s, when a breeder decided to cross a Yorkshire Terrier with a Bichon. After this crossing, the first puppies were born. Like the other breeds from the cross between well-known dog breeds, the morkie has not been registered as an independent breed by any of the international cynological organizations.

    These puppies are extremely popular, being common that they become the pets of personalities from the worlds of film, music or sports.


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