The Ocicat is a rare spotted-ticked breed bred in the United States by crossing Siamese, Abyssinian and American Shorthair cats.
Ocicat are domestic cats, outwardly very similar to wild ocelots, which makes them attractive to many connoisseurs of unusual breeds. They have an athletic build, expressive facial expressions, their movements are always precise and confident. A distinctive feature is a spotted pattern on the coat, while the color can be of different tones. The Ocicat is a fairly young breed, but has managed to gain popularity in the world of felinology.

Ocicat photos
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Physical characteristics
The Ocicat is a medium-sized cat with a strong, harmonious build. The limbs are long enough to jump and run skillfully. The joints and ligaments are very flexible which makes the breed flexible and graceful. The movements of these cats are precise and confident. Representatives of the breed have expressive eyes and facial expressions; they are emotional and demonstrate their feelings perfectly.
Weight: An adult cat weighs about 6-7 kg, cats – 4-5 kg.

Distinctive features
- The head is rounded, approaching the shape of a triangle, with a strong, but not pointed chin. The muzzle itself appears slightly square and long in profile. Muscular graceful neck;
- The ears are large, sometimes with tassels at the tips, set at a 45 degree angle – neither high nor low. They give the impression that the cat is constantly alert;
- The eyes are almond-shaped, slightly slanted, set apart. Color range: yellow, gold, orange, green. The color may not even match the color. But blue eyes are considered a deviation from the norm;
- The body is powerful, muscular, athletic and strong; the line of the back is slightly raised towards the tail;
- Legs – long, muscular, oval;
- The tail is long, thin with a dark, narrowed tip;
- Coat – short, fine, silky, shiny, with colored hairs and round or oval spots;
Differences between the Ocicat and the Bengal cat
Outwardly, the Ocicat is very similar to a wild cat, just like the representatives of the Bengal cat breed. Not surprisingly, you can easily confuse these different pets. However, there are important differences between these cats.
The Bengal arose as a result of crossing a wild Bengal cat with a regular domestic cat, while the ancestors of Ocicat are domestic cat breeds. The physique of the representatives of both breeds is also similar, however, the features of the muzzle, the size and position of the ears, and the shape of the eyes are different.
The head of the Bengal cat is somewhat rounder than that of Ocicat, the nose is larger. Perhaps the main distinguishing feature of Ocicat from Bengal is the shape and location of the spots. In the latter, large spots are clearly distinguished on the golden wool, often ring-shaped, also marbled color is acceptable. Such colors are unacceptable for Ocicat.
Character and behavior
Ocicat cats are loyal, energetic and love to “chat”, so they are perfect for people with an active lifestyle. These cats are usually attached to only one family member. They are completely and utterly devoted to him, although they show affection for other family members as well. However, the favorite host is always alone.
Compared to cats of other breeds, Ocicat can be called fearless. They are restless extroverts who can entertain themselves, but are sociable and people-oriented. These are not the cats that will hide under the bed when guests come.
Like its Siamese relative, the Ocicat may loudly demand food when it is hungry or resent the lack of attention, but its voice is not as squeaky as that of Siamese cats. This breed likes to “talk” to people, but if the person it is addressing does not respond, the Ocicat can get bored for a long time.
This cat is very intelligent, quickly remember its name, easily learn a variety of tricks, including those that are usually performed by dogs. Ocicat easily learn to open doors, container lids, etc. on its own. Graceful and interesting, it finds a way to get what it wants.
Ocicat does not tolerate loneliness. This breed is absolutely not suitable for single people who spend little time at home. However, if a cat has company, such as another pet, it is possible that it will survive the expectations of a beloved owner.
Ocicats are healthy and hardy cats. However, remember that they are bred by crossing three breeds, each with their own hereditary diseases. It may be renal amyloidosis, pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency and, therefore, anemia.
In the Siamese line, a predisposition to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is possible, from which cats die suddenly at an early age. They also have an increased risk of developing periodontal disease and plaque formation on the teeth. To avoid this, you can use a special cat toothpaste and a small brush. If you can’t brush your teeth at home, see your veterinarian regularly.
Life expectancy
With good health and a sturdy body, the average lifespan of the Ocicat is 15 to 17 years, but with proper care the breed often lives longer.
Fun facts
As it is a short-haired cat, care is very simple. Once a week it should be combed with a brush, it is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the ears and teeth. The ears should be wiped at least once a week, and it is advisable to brush their teeth daily, at least three times a week.
History of the breed
The breed arose as an unexpected result of the work of breeder Virginia Daly. Initially, it was planned to breed a Siamese cat with a tabby color, for which in 1964 representatives of the Siamese and Abyssinian cats were crossed. However, one of the kittens in the litter was white with golden spots all over its body and looked very much like a wild cat.
The baby was named Tongo, and since they did not plan to use a small domestic leopard in breeding, they castrated him and added him to a new house. However, soon the breeders remembered an interesting kitten. It was decided to repeat the result, but this time the American Shorthair was added when crossing.
Cats from subsequent litters began to be used in breeding, wild cats also took part in order to consolidate some of the qualities of the breed. In 1966, the new breed was recognized by the CFA, and after that, in 1987, representatives of the breed took part in the US Championship. In the same year, the breed was officially recognized and registered.
Ocicat gradually became popular in many countries. These cats came to Europe in the late 1980s. The breed was registered by many felinological clubs, including ACF, FIFE, TICA WCF, CFA, ACFA. Several catteries have now been opened where these cats are bred. They are mainly located in the USA and France.