Pomeranian | Dog Breed Information & Facts – Pictures

    Pomeranian spitz
    Pomeranian spitz

    The Pomeranian also known as a Pom, or Dwarf-Spitz, is a delicate little dog distinguished by its character and sympathy. It looks like miniature fox, with a long, stiff fur upper coat and a very dense lower coat, which gives it the appearance of a stuffed bale.

    If you want to compare the Pomeranian with something, compare it to a soft toy. This comparison would be perfect. Indeed, a small dog, especially when stationary, looks exactly like a toy. The difference is that such a toy should be handled carefully, otherwise it will show its sharp teeth.

    Dog sheet Pomeranian

    What is the difference between a German Spitz and a Pomeranian?

    Pomeranian photos

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    Physical characteristics

    The graceful little Pomeranian literally radiates friendliness. These dogs look like miniature foxes. The top layer of their coat is made up of long, protruding hairs, under which is a thick undercoat. Therefore, dogs are like furballs. The height of adult dogs is 16-22 cm, depending on size and type. the weight is 2 – 3 kg).


    Distinctive features

    • Head: The head is small. The back of the skull is wider. It tapers towards the nose, forming a wedge. The forehead has a rounded shape, the occipital protuberance is not sufficiently pronounced. The cheeks are plump. Thanks to them, the cheekbones are almost invisible.
    • Jaws
    • The upper jaw overlaps the lower jaw. Scissor bite. Claw and pincer bites are not a defect. The number of teeth is 42. Premolars may be absent.
    • Ears: Triangular in shape, located on the crown close to each other. The ears have a pointed, hard tip. Newborn puppies have pendulous ears. They increase with age.
    • Eyes: Dark in color, small, set obliquely. They are almond-shaped or oval-shaped. The eyelids are black, dark brown pigmentation is possible in dogs of the same color. The breed is characterized by a playful and lively look that makes the animal look like a fox.
    • Body: The neck ends at the withers, which in turn ends at the back. The loin turns into a short croup. The chest is developed. The belly is turned up. The ribs should be quite palpable.
    • Legs: The front legs are wide. The shoulders are strongly muscled. The fingers are tight. Pads and nails are black in all individuals except red, brown, and cream. The hind limbs are parallel to each other. The legs are small. Compared to the front ones, they are not so round. The fingers are tight, the claws and pads are black.
    • Coat: Beneath the coat is a dense undercoat. On the head, ears and front side of the limbs, short and soft hair. The rest of the body is covered in long, straight hair without waves or curls. The shoulders and the coat are hidden by a mane. The tail is fluffy, merges with the “pants” on the hind legs.

    Character and behavior

    The Pomeranian is a happy, active, affectionate and devoted dog that will become an excellent companion for the owner and his family. He will easily find a common language with all household members, as he is able to pick up a person’s mood and emotions.

    This dog has a very cheerful and eccentric disposition, he likes to have fun, play, walk and spend time with the owner.

    With children

    The Pomeranian is very fond of children and will gladly replenish the family. Dogs are especially good with children 4-5 years old; at this age they are especially interested in playing with them.

    With other animals

    The Pomeranian will not be able to get along with all the animals in the same house. He will only get along with a pet that does not have leadership qualities, such as another Pomeranian. He is unlikely to be able to make friends with a cat – he can bark at it for a long time and furiously.


    Every owner of a Pomeranian should know what health problems are most common in a pet:

    • Hypothyroidism is a pathological condition that develops due to a long-term lack of thyroid hormones. In the process of treatment, the main task is to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland. For this, drugs are used to compensate for the deficiency of thyroid hormones.
    • Atlantoaccipital subluxation – treatment can be conservative, but the need for surgery is not excluded. The outcome is difficult to predict.
    • Cryptorchidism is the failure of one or both testicles to enter the scrotum in males.
    • Medial dislocation of the patella is a congenital pathology, the treatment of which does not exclude the need for surgical intervention.
    • Sick sinus syndrome is a cardiovascular disease. The animal may lose muscle control.
    • Eye diseases – cataracts, eyelid deformities, progressive retinal atrophy.
    • Tracheal collapse – It is difficult to diagnose early on as a sudden cough may not cause concern for the owner. This disease can be fatal.
    • Difficulty giving birth – most small breed dogs have difficulty giving birth due to their small size. For a successful outcome, a cesarean section is prescribed.

    Life expectancy

    With proper care, the Pomeranian can live between 13 and 16 years.


    As the Pomeranian has a long coat, it needs regular brushing. In addition, it is desirable to trim his hair correctly – there are many interesting hairstyles for dogs. Be sure to trim claws, keep ears and eyes clean. Bathe the dog usually once a month.

    History of the breed

    The homeland of the Pomeranian is Germany, namely, the northern Prussian province of Pomerania. From this place comes the name of the breed – Pomeranian. Once upon a time, the ancestors of the modern Spitz were not so small. Only in 1870 did English dog breeders begin work on miniaturizing these animals. To date, the Pomeranian species holds the lead among all varieties of Spitz in beauty and in miniature size.

    Trying to equalize the Pomeranian Spitz from England, breeders from different countries began to modify their Spitz, trying to bring them as close as possible to the English standard, which was rapidly conquering the world. Having reached England from Pomerania and having transformed for the better, the dwarf spitz went to America. It was on the territory of America that the name “Pomeranian Spitz” was firmly established, and the popularity of these indoor dogs soared up at lightning speed.


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