10 Signs That Your Dog Might Be Sick

    signs that your dog might be sick

    Dogs can’t tell you exactly what hurts them. Complain when you feel unwell, have unpleasant symptoms, or have pain. Therefore, it is we, the responsible owners, who should pay attention to the signs of the disease in pets and provide prompt assistance, contact a specialist veterinarian.

    1.     Changing the usual smell of dog hair

    A dog is an animal, and subject to basic rules of hygiene, the smell of wool is practically not felt. But any change in health can also affect the smell emanating from the dog’s coat.

    There can be several reasons:

    • Diseases of the ear,
    • Inflammation of skin folds,
    • Parasite infestation,
    • Diabetes.

    2.     Sneezing or coughing, difficulty breathing

    These manifestations can have different causes. Ranging from a cold or mild allergy to a severe internal parasitic infection. If these symptoms bother your pet for more than 24 hours, it is recommended to take the dog to the home vet or veterinary center.

    3.     Profuse salivation, bad breath

    Dogs can experience the same dental problems as humans. Therefore, be sure to maintain dental hygiene over time. Treat your pet to healthy teeth cleaning treats. Show your pet to a veterinarian at least twice a year. Pathogenic bacteria cause inflammatory processes that can cause diseases of internal organs. An unpleasant smell from the mouth can be a sign of gastritis or inflammation of the lymph nodes.

    4.     Long-term changes in dog behavior

    With any feeling of discomfort, the dog will stop stretching usually after sleep and a long rest. Of course, each animal is unique, but if for no reason it starts to sleep a lot, gets tired quickly or behaves excessively aggressively, this should alert you. If the dog is curled up a lot (if this is not the usual sleeping position) – this can be a sign of gastrointestinal diseases, and this also indicates pain.

    5.     Change in body temperature, dry mucous membranes

    These two signs are combined, since often one of them is the cause of the other. Every dog โ€‹โ€‹vet medicine cabinet should have a thermometer. Otherwise, you can touch the animal’s ears or paws. They have many blood vessels. As body temperature rises, they become noticeably warmer. Dry, bright red gums can also be a sign of fever. Please note that a dog may develop a fever immediately after intense physical activity – this is normal. Therefore, before sounding the alarm, first let the dog rest and drink water.

    6.     Changes in physiological processes

    It is advisable to contact your veterinarian if you notice in your dog:

    • Loss of appetite
    • Thirsty
    • Chair problems,
    • Vomiting.

    Loss of appetite can be a sign of stress: a move, the arrival of a new family member, switching to a new food, this does not require any particular treatment. But in combination with other signs, it requires observation and a visit to a specialist.

    7.     The appearance of a rash, irritation or neoplasm on the dog’s skin

    Establish a rule for carefully examining the dog after a walk. Especially in the warm season, when there is a high risk of catching a tick. Daily monitoring of the condition of the skin will allow you to immediately notice the first signs of allergies, skin diseases arising from parasites.

    8.     Change in wool quality

    The coat can very objectively inform about changes in the animal’s body. Thus, the appearance of dandruff all over the body can signal various problems:

    • Stress,
    • Chronic infection,
    • Metabolic disorders,
    • Bathing too often
    • Using the wrong detergent.

    If the coat is bristling, it may be a sign of inflammation, temperature. If you observe that the coat is hard and coated, this signals helminthiasis, infections, hypovitaminosis. In this or that case, you should contact your veterinarian.

    9.     Decrease or increase in animal weight

    Of course, these symptoms may not appear immediately. But if, with the usual diet and appetite, your pet’s weight has changed, this may be a sign of diseases:

    • Infestation by internal parasites
    • Metabolic disorders,
    • Liver or kidney damage.
    • With these symptoms you should contact your veterinarian.

    10. Changes in gait, movement of the dog

    If the dog protects a certain paw, do not step on it – this can be a sign:

    • Inflammation of joints,
    • Dislocation,
    • Irritation in contact with reagents.

    This behavior requires immediate medical attention.

    If the dog began to walk more slowly, it is difficult to go up or down the stairs, it is difficult to get up after a long sleep – these are possible signs of joint damage, especially if the animal is already old.


    The health and well-being of the dog depends only on the attentive attitude of the owner. Pay attention to changes. Update your vaccines. Be sure to take medication for internal and external parasites. Consult a veterinarian. By following these simple rules, you will qualitatively improve the life and health of your pet!

    Important! This article is merely informative, at Petsfeed.co we do not have the power to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the vet in the event that it presents any type of condition or discomfort.


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