How to Stop a Cat from Climbing Curtains

stop cat climbing curtains

You are the owner of a well-behaved adult cat or a small kitten – it doesn’t matter. Sooner or later, curiosity gets the better of the animal, and it begins to study the curtains. Constantly replacing them is an expensive pleasure, so owners begin to look for ways to wean the cat from spoiling the curtains. “Pets Feed” has prepared some tips for you to wean your pet calmly and without punishment from this bad habit.

Why does the cat jump on the curtains?

Cats are true predators, so their instinct tells them to climb trees, survey their territory from above, hunt and explore new places. Since trees do not grow in the apartment, cats begin to climb on cabinets, shelves and curtains. In the case of the curtains, they are driven by the following elements:

  • Boredom

Many behavioral problems stem from a lack of play. If you don’t give the cat time, its energy accumulated during the day will be directed towards destruction and aggression. Regularly play with the cat at least 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes, then he will lose interest in the curtains.

  • Desire to sharpen the claws

Do not forget that the apartment must have a scratching post. It is better if they are present in every room. Every cat needs updated claw plates. If there is no special device nearby, the pet uses curtains to get rid of the old blanket.

  • Curiosity

Cats really like to follow everything that happens outside the house, because there are a lot of interesting things: passers-by, birds, trees. Therefore, if the cat does not have access to the windowsill and the window, it uses curtains.

How to distract a kitten from the curtains

There is the most important and seemingly the most obvious rule – offer the cat an alternative.

  1. Place scratching posts in each room. They can be purchased and homemade (there are many instructions on the Internet for making them).
  2. multi-level cat houses are also suitable. By design, they look like trees, so pets really like them. You can not only sharpen your claws on them, but also scale them. If you get a large cat house, the cat will forget about the curtains and look down from the top of its new hiding place.
  3. Equip a special viewing platform near the window so that you can watch the street. We are talking about a shelf, a high chest of drawers or a closet. Every time your kitten climbs on the curtains, take him out and take him to your chosen spot. Over time, the animal will understand that it is impossible to climb the curtains. This method is very effective if you manage to choose a place that your cat likes.

Since it will most likely be located near the window, owners should take care of the safety of the pet. It is absolutely unacceptable to leave open windows without special anti-cat mosquito nets. Cats may react to a bird outside the window and jump. Mosquito nets will not provide any real protection either. Therefore, “Pets Feed” strongly recommends putting “anti-cat” nets on the windows, which will prevent the animal from falling and suffering.

How to stop a cat from climbing curtains

The best thing to do is to prevent bad behavior before it becomes a habit. This applies first of all to kittens and young cats, which are full of energy and very curious. As we said, the most important thing here is to understand the reason and give a more appealing alternative. In this case, the kitten will not show the slightest interest in the curtains.

Worse, if such a habit has already formed. But even in this case, do not despair. Below are some ways that can help resolve this behavior issue.

1.     Loud sounds

Cats really don’t like sudden loud, annoying sounds. Therefore, one of the most effective ways to wean a cat from curtains is to jump hard. As soon as you see the cat jump on the curtain, clap. He will be frightened by a high-pitched sound and stop moving. Over time, he will develop a reflex: a jump on the curtain is an annoying noise.

2.     Repulsive odors

In addition to loud noises, cats do not tolerate pungent and strong smells, especially citrus smells. Try placing orange peel or lemon wedges on the windowsill. If that doesn’t help, contact the pet store for a special product with a repellent smell.

3.     Manicure

The cat jumps on the curtains not only for fun, but also to sharpen its claws. Therefore, if you regularly cut them, the animal may lose interest. At a minimum, this will reduce damage. You can also use special “anti-scratch claws”, which are temporary silicone caps for the claws. They will not let the kitten climb the curtains and spoil them.

4.     Temporary waiver of curtains

 If it is not possible to remove them, try to fold them to such a size that the cat cannot reach them. It should be understood that this is only a temporary solution to the problem. After a while, the cat will forget its tricks, but with the advent of curtains it will again remember the past. Therefore, when rejecting curtains, it is necessary to accustom the cat to the scratching post, play with it more often and pay attention to cat houses, toys, etc.

5.     Curtain replacement

If all attempts to wean a cat fail, it makes sense to think about finding an alternative to curtains. Tight fitting blinds against the window will be an excellent solution to the problem.

Remember that you should not physically punish the cat. A similar method will only form fear and aggression in your pet.

So, to protect the curtains from the cat, you need to show that it is not necessary to jump on them and offer an alternative. Play with your pet more often, get him new toys, scratching posts. Of course, it will not be enough to bring these things into the house. You will have to try to teach the cat to use them.

Finally, don’t be lazy and persevere: always stop the cat if you see it staring at the curtains. Only with repeated repetition of actions on your part, the cat will be able to forget about the bad habit.

As you can see, weaning a cat from the ruin of the curtains is not at all difficult. Try different methods, be smart, and most importantly, be patient. Remember that it depends only on the perseverance of the owner how quickly he will achieve the desired result in education.

How to protect expensive curtains from cat claws: useful tips

Finding clues about new beautiful curtains that have appeared there from the paws of your beloved pet is, to say the least, unpleasant – we know this first hand! We explain to you how to protect your curtains from the tailed thief.

These animals are capable of climbing anywhere, just to appease their curiosity. What to do if this curiosity only brings losses? I really can’t stand it!

Scratching is a normal behavior for all cats. They thus satisfy several of their needs at once:

  • They take care of their claws, that is, they do a kind of manicure. By sharpening their claws, furry animals remove particles of dead skin, outer layers of claws and various contaminants. This allows them to keep their claws sharp and healthy.
  • Train muscles. When sharpening a cat’s claws, the muscles of the forelimbs are used: first they tense and then stretch.
  • They mark the territory. Cats have glands between their claws that release scent enzymes when they scratch something. This is how furbearers โ€œtellโ€ other animals that this is their territory.

So, if your cat constantly scratches furniture, carpets or curtains, you should definitely not scold him. He is not doing this to harm his beloved owner!

What to do if your cat tears the curtains

1. Cut your nails regularly

To wean your pet from a bad habit, deprive him of the need to sharpen his claws. But do not completely remove the claws – this cruel procedure will negatively affect the condition of the animal: due to the lack of claws, animals may have balance problems, aggressive behavior and stress.

Instead, trim the nails lightly using nail clippers or contact your local veterinarian for help. If you are performing the procedure yourself, ensure a calm and quiet environment in your home, then carefully cut off only the sharp part of the claw. Do not try to remove the claw at the base, as you may injure the cat.

2. Use citrus scents

Every cat owner should know: cats do not tolerate citrus smells. Therefore, to prevent your pet from approaching the curtains, regularly treat the part of the floor near the curtains with a citrus spray. In addition to its pungent odor, it leaves a bitter taste on the paws, which is just as unpleasant for fluffy paws.

3. Install a motion detector

An unexpected sound will scare your pet at the most unexpected moment: when he approaches the beckoning curtains. Choose a motion detector that emits a loud signal – this will not only scare away the troublemaker, but also warn you that your curtains are in danger.

4. Arrange the windowsill

Many cats jump on curtains not to sharpen their claws, but to reach the windowsill. They are curious animals, remember? They are interested in what is happening on the street: what is the weather like outside, what the birds are doing, where passers-by are going, etc. Select a window sill in the apartment to which the animal will have access: remove all Remove the flowers, draw the curtains, lay down something warm and soft, spray the area with catnip. From now on, you will no longer be able to take your cat out of there by the ears!

5. Buy a high scratching post

Satisfy your active cat’s need to reach heights with a scratching post. This will make your pet happy and your curtains will stay intact! And to attract your stuffed animal to a new scratching post, treat it with catnip spray.

6. Replace curtains with blinds

If none of the methods work, just try changing the curtains and hanging vertical blinds or roller shutters. Climbing them is not at all practical, so the cat will have to abandon this idea.


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