The Puppy Is Constantly Whining. What To Do?

The Puppy Is Constantly Whining

Moans, like children crying, are a special signal that attracts attention. It can convey completely different messages, each requiring its own solution. That’s why it’s important to address the cause of the agitated behavior first. This will allow you to understand what to do if the puppy whines constantly night and day.

Possible causes of restless behavior

If the puppy whines after every meal or when going down stairs, he should be taken to the vet. A similar pattern is typical for problems with digestion and joints, accompanied by painful sensations.

Check to see if your pet is injured. He could have hurt himself falling off the couch.

Infections should not be excluded. A baby can be infected by a sick mother. If a newborn is not suckling, not getting better, and lags behind its siblings in development, it can die of exhaustion. After the examination, she must be transferred or entrusted to the care of another female dog who has milk.

In the absence of symptoms of the disease, the cause of moaning should be sought in physiological and psychological causes. These include:

  1. Hunger. The desire to eat causes strong discomfort, so the baby will definitely remind you when he is hungry.
  2. Heat and cold. An uncomfortable temperature for the body, like hunger, causes a feeling of discomfort. Congestion also causes similar sensations.
  3. A full bladder or bowels. A pet accustomed to walking will endure to the end, but will not shut up. He will definitely complain and run out the door several times, trying to show that he needs to get out.
  4. Boredom. Animals can attract the attention of the owner if they have nothing to do.
  5. Loneliness. Some breeds categorically do not tolerate separation, no matter how long.
  6. An attempted apology. The offending animal lowers its eyes and flattens its ears.
  7. Anxiety. This is typical of the adaptation stage, when getting used to a new place of residence. On average, it lasts no more than a week.
  8. Fear. Unlike anxiety, fear is always specific. It is not a feeling of oppressive heaviness, but a reaction to situations and objects potentially dangerous for the body: the sound of thunder, the explosion of firecrackers, the injection in the veterinary clinic. If your dog trusts you, he will stick around or aggressively curl up for protection.
  9. Handling. The most cunning animals moan in the hope of begging for something.
  10. Subordination. Like fear, it is accompanied by a tightening of the abdomen. The animal obediently lowers its head or shows its belly.

Separately, it is worth noting the emotional overexcitement. This is typical of small dogs who are overjoyed by the owner’s return or a quick walk.

Why does a puppy whine at night – and what to do?

If the puppy whines all the time at night after being separated from its mother, most likely it is just scared and lonely. New sounds and smells are very discouraging, so try to make your new pet as comfortable as possible. To do this, follow these recommendations:

  1. Avoid loud noises at night. Do not turn on the TV and household appliances.
  2. Organize active games just before bedtime. When choosing a location, focus on vaccinations. Otherwise, stay home.
  3. Spread out your meals so that the heaviest is in the evening. A full stomach is the key to good sleep.
  4. Ask the breeder for something with the scent of the baby’s mother. Later it can be replaced with your favorite toy. It will not be superfluous and a heating pad that imitates maternal warmth.
  5. Place the bed on the floor directly under the bed. When you hear another moan, lower your hand and stroke the dog. Say something soothing, using a soft but not insinuating tone. Every day, move the sofa a little further until it is in its intended place.
  6. Limiting the space available during the potty training phase is a good idea, but that does not mean that a new animal should be confined in a separate room or crate. Do not interfere with the exploration of the territory and be close.

If the tips above don’t help, try stopping whining with the “Fu” command. Say it in a strict, even voice, without shouting. If successful, be sure to praise your pet.

When switching to solid food, the puppy may whine due to indigestion. Its symptoms include bloating, diarrhea and constipation. With such a problem, you should consult your veterinarian.

How to wean a puppy from whining: night and day

If a problem arises after the adaptation phase, it is important to exclude pathological causes. If all is well for your health, act according to the situation:

  1. Hunger. Do not skip meals and try to respect the intervals between feedings. In the absence of a tendency to overeat, leave in the bowl not only water, but also dry food. Unlike canned wet foods, they won’t spoil and provide a stable snack.
  2. Heat and cold. Avoid walking in the scorching summer sun and be sure to put on clothes for the arrival of late fall. If the house is stuffy, try installing an air conditioner or get a powerful fan.
  3. A full bladder or bowels. Don’t neglect your daily walks. Remember that a child’s body is not as strong as an adult’s. If you work all day, hire the services of a dog sitter.
  4. Boredom. Frequent and long walks will also help here. Pleasant fatigue after physical activity is the best way to fight boredom.
  5. Loneliness. Animals are afraid of being alone when their masters dramatize their departure. Don’t focus your attention on him or encourage stormy fun after he returns. Also, make sure your pet has enough toys to keep it entertained while you’re away.
  6. An attempted apology. In this case, your tacit consent is sufficient. If you’re punishing, stop it, but don’t use praise.
  7. Fear. Do not pity the puppy if he whimpers in fear and try to distract him with games. Behave as usual, showing that everything is in order. Thus, your pet will understand that the threat has passed.
  8. Handling. Only complete disregard works here. Any other reaction will only aggravate the current situation.
  9. Subordination. As if trying to apologize, just accept the situation silently. If the demonstration is too frequent, then the animal is frankly afraid of you. This point is best worked out with a zoopsychologist.
  10. Emotional arousal. For many breeds, this is normal. Corrections require a situation where the animal urinates with joy. In this case, it is recommended not to react to the manifestation of feelings until the puppy calms down.

Gradually accustom him to solitude. Start with a short-term fence in the next room and gradually increase the duration.

If you lack patience and the results are still not visible, ask a dog handler for advice. Some cases require a private decision.

Common Owner Mistakes

The prolonged absence of results may be due to certain errors. The most common of these include:

  1. Immediate response. Don’t take off on the first call. If the puppy whines, give it some time. Most likely, he will calm down on his own.
  2. Raising the voice and corporal punishment. None of this work, and only exacerbates the stress even more. Ultimately, the animal begins to be afraid of the owner, which has an extremely negative effect on the psyche and behavior.
  3. Sleep punishment. Never scold a puppy if he is in a house or on a bouncer. These places must be associated with security. Instead of punishing, use a distraction method: start a game or a conversation.
  4. Lack of encouragement. Praise is the key to obedience. Don’t skimp on petting and treats when demonstrating the desired behavior.
  5. Reaction to outright handling. Do not abandon. Otherwise, your pity will be used against you.
  6. Shared sleep. There’s nothing wrong with that if you’re the initiator in the first place. The danger is the situation when the baby sleeps separately, but immediately gets into your bed, starting to moan. This method of appeasement provokes manipulation in order to attract attention to the first call in the future.

Education is not easy, but very important. Be patient and do not succumb to provocations. Remember that the final pattern of animal behavior is up to you.

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