Blind Dog Sees His Family After Surgery And Can’t Contain His Excitement

blind dog receives surgery see family

The sense of sight is one that is sometimes taken for granted. For example, how would you describe the color red to someone who cannot see? How would you describe the flowers, the sky, or the ocean? However, there is some hope. Some people who are blind can regain their sight if they qualify for eye surgery.

Even better, not only can people regain their sight, animals can too! like this cute dog, who regained his sight thanks to surgery. He was blind for several years, but now that he regained his vision, he has an incredible reaction.

This Irish Terrier named Duffy, is a rescue dog who has had many challenges in his life. The dog developed diabetes and this condition involves other complications, one of them loss of sight.

Blind dog receives surgery and sees his family again

His diabetes was stabilized with the help of medications, which Dr. Kevin Kumrow prescribed, but Duffy was not the same without his sight. We can only imagine how she must have felt one day without being able to see his family. But thanks to science, that is now in the past.

blind dog receives surgery see family

Fortunately, Duffy qualified for eye surgery that could restore his vision. It was great news for this good boy. Once he was stable for surgery, Dr. Brady Beale operated on him. His treatment and surgery took place at the Veterinary Referral Center in Malvern, Pennsylvania.

blind dog receives surgery see family

The surgeon managed to restore Duffy’s sight, and his reaction says it all.

blind dog receives surgery see family

The video shows Duffy coming out of surgery and seeing his family for the first time in a long time. In fact, he is so excited that he even starts wagging his tail and making little squeaks, crying with joy. It’s really so moving to watch.

In this video you can see him after recovering from him, chasing squirrels.

The two doctors gave this dog another chance to live a happy and fulfilling life, and he certainly deserved it.

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