Giant Schnauzer | Dog Breed Information & Facts – Pictures

    Giant Schnauzer

    The Giant Schnauzer is a large, powerful, elegant and compact dog with bushy eyebrows, whiskers and a beard. This breed has a hard, stiff outer layer and a dense, soft undercoat. Ideally, the height of the dog is the same as the length, which gives a rather square impression.

    Because of its kinship with the schnauzer and its past of sheepdog, the giant schnauzer is a large robust and strong dog, which is used both for surveillance and protection, as well as breeding, although in the latter aspect, it is less and less used.

    Dog sheet Giant Schnauzer

    Standard Schnauzer | Dog Breed Information & Facts – Pictures

    Giant Schnauzer photos

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    Physical characteristics

    The Giant Schnauzer is a large, majestic and serious dog. He has a powerful square-shaped physique. The height of adult males is 65-70 cm, females 60-65 cm, and adult males weigh about 35 – 45 kg, and females weigh 30 – 40 kg.


    Distinctive features

    • Head: Powerful, oblong with a flat forehead, not pointed wedge-shaped snout.
    • Jaws: Strong with a scissor bite. 42 teeth. The cheekbones are well developed.
    • Ears: Large, set high, triangular in shape.
    • Eyes: Brown, oval, capable of expressing emotions on a human level.
    • Torso: Small with a short back. The fitted sides and belly give body slimming. Broad chest with developed muscles. The physique can be said to be athletic.
    • Legs: Back strong, parallel, sloping and slightly shorter than the front.
    • Coat: Short, thick and hard. It has a jet black color or the so-called salt and pepper hue. The undercoat is abundant.

    Character and behavior

    The Giant Schnauzer is a very intelligent animal that can be an ideal companion for almost anyone. The only thing you need to prepare for here right away is that these dogs have a very high energy level and daily walks and physical activity are needed, preferably at least 1 hour a day.

    He is very devoted to his family and can defend them if he sees danger. It doesn’t even require any special training – the dog just acts on instinct. The Giant Schnauzer is well suited to guard dog duties. He is very alert and wary of strangers.

    With the children

    These dogs are good with children, they can walk with them and spend time with them, but it is still believed that it is better not to leave undersized children alone with them. It’s not a breed of nanny.

    With other animals

    He calmly treats other pets in the family if they were brought up together from a young age. Cohabitation with cats or rodents is not recommended.


    Giant Schnauzers most often have the following health problems:

    • Allergy – manifested by spots and ulcers on the skin.
    • Problems with urination – many of them are fatal.
    • Bloating, volvulus – often develops after taking substandard or prohibited foods. If you do not provide assistance in time, the dog can die within a few hours.
    • Undescended testicles is a genetic disorder that is a congenital anomaly in males.
    • Melanoma is a malignant tumor that develops from the pigment cells of melanocytes. The neoplasm quickly metastases.
    • Hypothyroidism is a disease caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormones.
    • Lipomas are benign tumors of the subcutaneous tissue of the fat layer.
    • Retinal atrophy is a hereditary eye disease.
    • Glaucoma is a complex of eye diseases characterized by increased intraocular pressure.
    • Cataracts are often the result of trauma.
    • Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process in the body.
    • Epilepsy is an incurable, often hereditary disease in which the animal suffers from recurrent seizures.
    • Dysplasia of the hip joint is a disease resulting in destruction of the hip joints of an animal.
    • Diabetes mellitus – with this disease, a special diet is selected for the dog. It is impossible to completely get rid of diabetes.

    Life expectancy

    With proper care, a Giant Schnauzer can live 12-15 years.


    A Giant Schnauzer should be combed once or twice a week. Try cleaning your pet’s eyes of deposits daily, as well as cleaning the ears 3 times a week. Bathe the dog once or twice a month, trim the claws 3 times a month.


    This dog needs to do a lot of exercises. To make it happy, it is necessary to walk about three times a day and allow it to do a good amount of exercises. It also needs games and, if possible, with other dogs. Of course, it must play only with dogs with whom it gets along well.

    Fun facts

    • On the face of the Giant Schnauzer, all the experiences of the dog are displayed: joy, anger, curiosity, discontent, guilt. Shaggy eyebrows, mustache and beard contribute to such facial expressions.
    • Translated from German “Giant Schnauzer” sounds like “giant muzzle”.
    • These dogs were specially brought out for police service.
    • The film, shot by Russian filmmakers, starred a Giant Schnauzer dog. The title of the film is “Raising Cruelty in Women and Dogs.”
    • Two Giant Schnauzers lived in the house of Yuri Nikulin, the famous artist was a connoisseur of the representatives of this breed.

    History of the breed

    The Giant Schnauzer at different times was called by different names: bear schnauzer, Russian schnauzer, Bavarian wolfhound, Munich schnauzer. All these names are in the past, now the breed is recognized as a Giant Schnauzer.

    The homeland of the Giant Schnauzers is Germany, to be precise, this breed originated from the Bavarian Highlands and Württemberg. Ignorant people, hearing the name “Russian Schnauzer”, are in complete confidence that the roots of the breed come from Russia. In fact, the Giant Schnauzer has nothing to do with this country, he is one hundred percent German.

    With regards to ancestors, there are several versions:

    The breed originated from the wire-haired dogs that were found in Europe and were used for hunting.

    Large wire-haired pinschers are considered the progenitors of modern schnauzer dogs.

    The formation of the breed took place in the nineteenth century. At that time, its representatives were assigned to the royal court.

    In the distant past, schnauzer dogs were used in their homeland as accompanying caravans with pack animals and as guards for livestock. Since the eighteenth century, Giant Schnauzers have gained popularity as ideal guards for butcher shops and beer bars. Then they were waiting for the career of police and army dogs.

    In 1909, the Giant Schnauzer breed was officially recognized. In 1923, the first standard was published. 1925 brought the Giant Schnauzers the recognition of the “working dog”. At the beginning of the twentieth century, several Giant Schnauzers took part in the exhibition, but, unfortunately, the dogs did not expect success. A few years later, at the next exhibition, the representatives of the breed gained popularity and recognition of schnauzer lovers.


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