Kennel Cough In Dogs | Causes – Symptoms And Treatment

Kennel Cough In Dogs

Dog kennel cough (infectious tracheobronchitis, canine flu or adenovirus) is a highly contagious infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract that spreads through the air and affects the body of animals, regardless of breed, age, sex and their diet.

The most common causative agents of the disease are parainfluenza virus, canine herpes virus, adenovirus, reovirus, as well as mycoplasma and bordetella bronchiseptica. A pet runs the risk of catching an infection wherever contact with other individuals of its species is possible: during a walk, a training course, a dog show, etc.

Causes of dog kennel cough

The term “infectious tracheobronchitis” is extremely rarely used even by veterinarians except in literature. A respiratory condition is almost always referred to by a different “popular” name – aviary cough, since it is easy for them to become infected in places where dogs are crowded (shows, training, aviaries, group walks).

The disease can be caused by various viruses: for example, adenovirus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, canine herpes. But the most common cause is Bordatella bronchiseptica. The incubation period can last from 5 to 14 days (depending on the immunity and condition of the dog), but, as a rule, the disease manifests itself strongly and forcefully already on the 7-10th day. If you do not pay attention to the problem, the disease can take a chronic form.

If your pet is coughing, it does not mean there is tracheobronchitis. Do not panic and try to treat the animal yourself. Entrust the diagnosis and care of your pet to experienced veterinarians. Medication.

Symptoms of dog kennel cough

Kennel cough in puppies and adults has the following symptoms. From the 3rd to the 5th day, the animal develops a cough: it looks like the dog is trying to spit something out, because of this he is in great physical stress, often cannot calm down for a long time.

Attacks of violent coughing up to stomach cramps, which seriously weaken the dog, alternate with occasional coughs. As a rule, dogs are not prescribed a suppressor (suppressor, the human analogue of cough syrup), however, if the dog does not rest at all, it is still worth a try. You can dilute a little honey in lukewarm water and give the dog something to drink, this will relieve his condition a little. Cough can be exacerbated by changes in temperature, for example, immediately after entering the freezing air of a hot house.

Sometimes there is discharge from the nose and eyes, shortness of breath, and the temperature may rise slightly. In rare cases, vomiting and diarrhea may occur. At the same time, surprisingly, in most cases animals do not even lose their appetite during illness, they easily react to attention and do not deny each other communication.

However, it is worth being aware: a sick dog should be isolated, especially if there are other dogs in the house. The patient should have their own bedding, utensils, equipment and toys, which should never touch other animals: unfortunately, there have been cases where the disease has been transmitted through utensils and household items.

Kennel Cough Treatment

There is an opinion that the disease goes away on its own, however, examination by a veterinarian is mandatory, since cough can be a concomitant symptom of many other diseases. After a thorough examination of the dog, the specialist will tell you how and with what to treat kennel cough, give recommendations on keeping and walking the animal during the illness.

If necessary, antibiotics can also be prescribed, but most likely these will be general antivirals and tonics.

Generally, with quick access to a doctor and proper care, dogs recover quickly. But it should be remembered that animals that have fully recovered from the disease will be carriers of the disease for about another 2 weeks, therefore, they will pose a potential danger to other healthy dogs. Therefore, for a while it is still worth refraining from group walks, even if your dog really misses your friends.

This article is merely informative, at we do not have the power to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the vet in the event that it presents any type of condition or discomfort.


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