Kitten At Home: Care, Education, Veterinary Care

Kitten At Home

You have a kitten! The long-awaited little piece that will give you his love, tenderness, affection, will make your home cozy and cheerful.

Cats are one of the most popular pets. Someone brings home a kitten every day. The popularity of cats is due to many factors: they do not need to be walked, they are funny, they can be easily bought, and when they start purring under the covers, no one’s heart will remain indifferent. . With proper care, cats can live 15-20 years. This does not mean that taking care of a kitten is very difficult, but you still need to know and prepare something for the arrival of a boyfriend. Moreover, it depends on you how the kitten will behave in your home.


Usually, a mother cat is involved in raising a baby with a breeder. Therefore, cattery kittens are sold perfectly accustomed to the scratching tray and post. But this does not guarantee exemplary behavior in your home. When a kitten lives in a family with brothers, the mother cat watches them and educates them. She can wear it on set, break up a fight, even punish naughty kids. Usually, one of the kittens is dominant, he encourages the others to play, he is the first everywhere. Other kittens can obey the strongest. But when they move to new owners, where there is no brother or mother, they often do everything possible. For example, having just moved into a new home, a kitten may walk past the tray, cling to the curtain, and chew on the threads. On the one hand, these kittens seem to have “grasped” freedom, on the other – after constant play with siblings, he can simply get bored! After all, a kitten needs a lot of play! If you take a kitten off the street, you will have to train it practically from scratch.

What are the defects of education and how to correct them?

The kitten goes to the toilet in the wrong place

Often a kitten can make a puddle right in your bed, where it relaxes in the warmth and mistakes the bed for a nest, in which the cat will clean it if necessary. It’s passing quickly. It is better not to take baby to bed the first few nights or make sure the litter box is nearby. The kitten may also walk past the litter box or in secluded places. Try to follow it. When you first bring him home, show him where his toilet is. It is advisable to bring used putty from one’s previous home and use that particular putty for the first time. As soon as the kitten starts to get nervous, find a place and dig, carry it to the tray and rustle there a little – show that you can dig and bury. He may not leave right away. Keep following and try again.

And if the kitten regularly went to the tray, then stopped, there may be several reasons: I do not like the tray itself, the place, the filler. Try to change what is possible. If the kitten is sick, go for an ultrasound and a urine test. He is still too small; he can play too much and forget to run to the toilet. Place several trays in different places. A kitten begins to mark its territory if it is over 6 months old. It might be worth emasculating it if it’s not the manufacturer.

The kitten decided that the curtains were a fun and active game

But you disagree. Although breeders generally accept that it is possible to lose the curtains with feces, it is nevertheless imperative to wean off the habit. As soon as you see the little leprechaun running towards the curtain and, with the unbridled strength of young Tarzan, climbing, do the following: spray with a spray bottle or a water gun. It will scare the kitten, but it won’t hurt. You can hiss at this time – just like cats do.

Kitten gnaws wires

It is advisable to remove all the wires in special boxes, wrap them with insulating tape. Store headphones and phone chargers in closets. If it is difficult to remove the wires, grease them with an anti-bite, lemon, vinegar. And also scare the kitten at the time of dirty tricks. It may be worth buying him some safe chew toys.

The kitten sharpens its claws in the wrong place

When he sharpens leads on furniture, he doesn’t want to spoil it at all or do a manicure for himself, it’s just another way to leave a mark, it’s an instinct that is impossible to get rid of completely. We’re not considering removing the claws – that’s killing. It is necessary to accustom the kitten to the scratching post. There should be several in different places, especially there. Where the child loves to “kiss”. Remember to change them in time when they wear out. If you see him sharpening his claws on the piece of furniture, pick him up and bring him to the right place. Complexes for playing and climbing are also a good solution. The kitten immediately plays and sharpens its claws. Don’t forget to cut your nails every two weeks (white tip) with a special nail clipper. It is necessary to accustom the kitten to this process as soon as possible.

The kitten eats everything, spoils things, puts things in order

There are “housekeeping kittens” who like to tidy up. You will need to clean magazines, books, laundry to protect them from damage. If the kitten likes to suck on woolen things, maybe the mother took it off too soon, or it’s an excuse to show how dear you are to him if he does it right on you. Well, if he eats inedible things, especially whitewash or plants, then maybe it’s a lack of vitamins and it’s worth reconsidering his diet.

The kitten bites and scratches

These wild habits must be weaned at an early age. Never play with your hands. It looks very funny when this little creature tries to fight with a strong hand. But with age, it becomes a habit, and an adult cat can grasp it very painfully. Especially at a time when you are not inclined to play. Or even bite your guests and children. Therefore, remember – hands are only for affection! And toys, flies are for games. If the kitten clings to you, mistaking you for prey, gently snatch it away and put it next to the toys. If the attacks are repeated, hiss at him, tap lightly with your fingers. In extreme cases, you can click on the braid or even bite. Don’t put off raising a kitten!


Cats like to build their own toilets. How they manage to stay clean. But, nevertheless, from time to time they need help. A show kitten should be bathed before each show, not once every 1-2 months. Cats are washed with special pet shampoos. You also have to get used to washing as soon as possible! It is enough to pour about 40 degrees of water into a basin and lower the kitten into it so that the head does not sink. And make sure no water gets into your ears. Lather up with shampoo and rinse under the tap, keeping an eye on your ears as well.

For show animals, there are special shampoos and the procedure for their use. Usually, breeders are in the best position to explain which products are ideal for your little one. Kittens should be combed: long-haired breeds daily, and short-haired – 1-2 times a week. It is ideal to use a special comb, a rubber brush or a furminator that brushes the undercoat very well.

It is necessary to keep the eyes clean and wipe off the discharge. There are special lotions and drops for this. This is best done with sterile gauze, sometimes cats are allergic to cotton. And to clean the ears, dark discharge that sometimes appears in small amounts. It is best done with soft twisted cotton.

And of course, it is worth deciding on the diet of the kitten. It’s up to you to decide whether it will be ready meals or natural foods. It is undesirable to feed food from our table. If it is a natural food, it is important to choose the right diet. There must be meat bones, for example, chicken necks, fillets, cartilage. Certain vegetables, cereals or oatmeal. Quail eggs, dairy products. If it is ready-made food, then only super premium class. You can combine dry and wet foods. Additionally, more breeders are feeding mixed and natural feeds in the morning and evening, and dry feeds during the day. Keep your cat’s litter box and habitat clean. Wash the tray in a timely manner and change the litter.

Veterinary care

Sometimes our pets get sick. It’s still inappropriate and very sad. To prevent possible diseases, it is important to provide timely assistance and prevention. For prevention purposes, feed the animal in a balanced way. Give vitamins. Symptomatic homeopathy. And of course, get vaccinated. Usually, the first vaccinations are given at the age of 2.5 months – against the main feline infections. And revaccination in 2 weeks – of the same infections plus rabies. Vaccinations should be repeated once a year. Before vaccination, it is imperative to rid the animal of worms. To do this, you should use only drugs that are safe for the kitten. They come in the form of tablets, suspensions, drops at the withers. It is necessary to carry out antihelminthic treatment every 3-5 months. Also, if the kitten is outdoors, treat fleas first. You can use shampoos or sprays, only those that indicate that this product is suitable for small kittens.

And yet, the street kitten must be taken to the veterinary clinic for examination! At the slightest sign of an unhealthy animal, it is also necessary to urgently show it to the doctor.

The very first signs are depression, shortness of breath, fever, the animal refuses food, water, hides. He has severe vomiting and diarrhea. If the kitten sneezes, coughs and has purulent discharge from the eyes, you should also show this to the doctor and be tested for infections. If the animal is not used as a producer, it must be sterilized. This will save your pet from hormonal disruptions leading to disease and save you from deafening cries and marks in the apartment.

Monitor the condition of your teeth. For signs of tartar, brush your teeth with special toothpastes, buy foods that clean your teeth, or ask your veterinarian to clean you.

It is very important to have at home everything you need to provide emergency care: syringes, bandages, papaverine in ampoules, a homeopathic first aid kit, immunostimulants.

When you bring a kitten into the house, remember that you are also taking on responsibilities and possibly new problems. Your decision must be 100% informed and firm. After all, we are responsible for those we have tamed. Love your kitten – and it will be your most faithful friend for life.


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