Löwchen | Dog Breed Information & Facts – Pictures

    Löwchen - Little Lion Dog
    Löwchen - Little Lion Dog

    The Löwchen or the little lion dog is a small dog, very friendly and sociable with people. Curiously, the name of little lion dog comes from the haircut typical of the breed, and not from a natural phenotypic characteristic. Although it is not known exactly where these dogs come from, the truth is that the Fédération Cynologique Internationale suggests that they are of French origin.

    The lowchen is a very active and intelligent dog considered as an adorable pet for many families. He is a docile and obedient dog, an excellent domestic dog.


    Lowchen photos

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    Physical characteristics

    Löwchen is among the best known decorative dogs. The growth of an adult is 25-33 cm, weight is 4-8 kg. The long, silky coat has a characteristic “lion cut”: the chest and front legs are covered with long hair, like a mane, and the hair on the rump is short. Any color or color combination is possible.


    Distinctive features

    • Head: The head is powerful, round and short with a spacious skull. The muzzle is short, straight, equal to 2/3 of the length of the skull. The transition from the frontal part to the muzzle is clearly indicated.
    • Jaws: Strong teeth, in full set with scissor bite.
    • Ears: The ears are small, pendulous, long, placed at eye level.
    • Eyes: The eyes are large, round, straight and wide. The color of the iris is dark. The gaze is lively and attentive.
    • Frame: The body is small, more harmonious. Square body. Slightly arched neck, quite long. The back is straight, strong with a broad but shortened loin. The chest is quite voluminous, but without excessive heaviness, lowered to the elbow joints. Abdomen of pronounced stiffness.
    • Limbs: The legs are long, parallel, rather strong with well formed bones. The legs are rounded, medium in size with well-fitting arched toes.
    • Coat: The hair root is dense and long, wavy and soft. There is no undercoat. The color can be varied, but the most common are white, fawn, black.

    Character and behavior

    The Löwchen is an intelligent, affectionate and obedient, agile and cheerful dog. Always in a good mood, ready to communicate at any time of the day and very happy surrounded by family members. Strongly offended and upset by the lack of attention to his person.

    He does not tolerate loneliness at all, so a “Löwchen” should not stay long. Prolonged separation from the owner negatively affects the mental and physical health of the animal. He begins to get bored, sad and quickly “fade” before our eyes.

    Infinitely adores the owner, always strives to please him. In return, he expects praise and affection, and will not refuse treats. Extremely peaceful and calm dog – a real diplomat! Knows how to concede, almost never provokes open conflict.

    Despite its small size and status as a decorative breed, it is a rather brave creature that is ready to defend family members. Treat strangers with caution or kindness.

    With the children

    He treats children with great affection and gentleness, instantly finds a common language with them. The Löwchen and the cubs quickly become best friends.

    With other animals

    The Löwchen He gets along well with other pets, even with cats and hamsters, especially those with whom he has grown up with him since childhood.


    The Löwchen usually has good health, good immunity and almost does not get sick. Here are some of the most common illnesses:

    • Cataract;
    • Progressive retinal atrophy;
    • Dislocation of the knee;
    • Von Willebrand’s disease;
    • Hip dysplasia.

    Life expectancy

    With the right care, the Löwchen has a life expectancy of 12 to 14 years.


    Löwchen is ideal for the house and the apartment. However, he needs daily walks.

    Grooming a Löwchen is easy:

    • Hair is combed once or twice a week.
    • Grooming is done once a month.
    • The eyes are rubbed daily.
    • Ears are cleaned 1-2 times in 10 days.
    • Teeth are brushed weekly.
    • The claws are shortened once or twice a month.
    • The bath 1 time in 7 to 10 days.


    The little lion dog should not be left alone for a long time, on the street or in the nursery, this will lead to a deterioration in health. A dog can suffer from separation anxiety when their companions go away for the day – a small lion dog is not the best breed for people who spend a lot of time at work.


    The Löwchen dog does not need many daily exercises: it will be happy with half an hour, although it can do more if it gets the chance.

    History of the breed

    The Löwchen breed has a mysterious past. Nobody today knows exactly when, from where and where these charming, unusual-looking little pets first appeared. Now there are several theories about the origin of the breed.

    The first says their homeland is Northern Europe, specifically parts of present-day Germany and Belgium, possibly France. Also, according to this version, it is stated that the lowchen took part in the formation of the toy poodle. The second is that the dogs come from Russia, and possibly even Tibet, from where they eventually came to Russia with travelers and merchants. The latter specifies that the Löwchen is related to the Bichon breed, and originates from the Mediterranean.

    Which of these versions is correct, no one knows, so here you even have some freedom of choice. That is, you can also believe in the theory closest to you. However, it should be noted that regardless of the correct version, the breed has always fulfilled the functions of a companion dog, and possibly also a hunter of rodents and even a guard dog, being an “alarm dog” , with an excellent reaction and an excellent sense of danger. They could be found both among aristocrats and on the farms of ordinary people.

    By the end of the 19th century, the breed’s popularity was rapidly declining, and the number of dogs was also dwindling. In 1897, breeder Madeleine Benner made an effort to save the Löwchen from extinction. The initiative was successful, but World Wars I and II again put the breed in danger of extinction.

    Mrs. Bennert resumed her efforts to save the breed after the end of World War II in search of the remaining lines of the Loach. With the help of Dr. Hans Rickert, whose dogs were purchased from Madame Bennert, and several other owners and breeders, the Löwchen has reestablished its population. Although, not to the full extent. It is the Bennert-Rikkert line which is the Lowchen the world knows today. The first dog arrived in the United States in 1971, and the AKC recognized the breed in 1999. Today, the breed is still considered rare.


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