Norwegian buhund | Dog Breed Information & Facts – Pictures

    Norwegian buhund

    The Norwegian buhund is a fairly common dog breed. Representatives of this breed are very hardy; they easily adapt to almost any living conditions. They are extremely rarely aggressive towards anyone; this is possible only if they or loved ones are threatened. In everyday life, such a dog is unpretentious, quite mobile, cheerful, playful and gentle. He is an excellent hunter, an attentive shepherd and a stern guard dog.

    Dog sheet Norwegian buhund

    Norwegian buhund photos

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    Physical characteristics

    The Norwegian Buhund is a medium-sized dog resembling a Spitz (thick double coat, pointed ears and tail curled over the back). Dogs of this breed have a light skeleton and a short, compact body.

    The height of adult males is 43 -47 cm, females are somewhat smaller with 41 – 45 cm. The weight of the dog is around 14-18 kg for a male, and 12-16 kg for a female. The fluffy undercoat is covered with a tough, smooth coat that comes in wheat, black, red, or wolf black.


    Distinctive features

    • Head: The head is light, lean, triangular in shape, proportionate to the body. The general contours of the head are smoothed. The skull is flat. The muzzle is slightly elongated and narrowed. The length of the muzzle and the skull is the same. The transition from forehead to muzzle is well developed, but without excessive coarseness.
    • Jaws: The teeth are strong, snow-white in full complex. Bite “scissors”.
    • Ears: The ears are small, triangular with pointed tips, erect.
    • Eyes: Medium sized, slightly slanted eyes. The color of the iris is dark.
    • Frame: The body is muscular, athletic. The neck is compact in length, strong, without dewlap. The reverse side of the shortened, smooth, solid format. The croup is slightly sloping. The chest is quite spacious and voluminous. The ribs are noticeably arched.
    • Limbs: The legs are proportional, strong, straight, parallel with strong bones. The legs are compact, oval. The pads are dense, the nails are compact, hard.
    • Coat: The coat is medium length, double, dense, coarse, close fitting, water repellent. It is much longer on the neck, chest, tail and back of the thighs than on the rest of the body. The undercoat is soft and dense. Wheat, red and black color.

    Character and behavior

    The Norwegian Buhund is a reliable, loyal and highly intelligent pet. By nature, he is energetic, hardworking, full of energy, loves to be on the move and engage in vigorous activity.

    Always affectionate, but a bit shy to admit warm feelings. Has strong leadership and protective qualities. The dog is sociable, tuned to communicate with a person, so he likes to spend time with the owner and family members.

    He meets strangers with suspicion and coldness, zealously guards the entrusted territory. In case of danger to the owner, the shepherd dog is ready to rise up for his protection.

    With the children

    He is great with children and gets along well with them. And loves common games and amusements

    With other animals

    Other animals are perceived normally, but it is better to introduce them to cats from an early age. They have hunting instincts.


    The Norwegian Buhund is distinguished by surprisingly good health, so it practically does not get sick, but has a predisposition to hereditary diseases:

    • Colitis.
    • Otitis.
    • Skin problems.
    • Inflammatory bowel infections.
    • Cataract.
    • Hypothyroidism.
    • SCT dysplasia.
    • Food allergy.

    Life expectancy

    The average life expectancy of a Norwegian Buhund is between 12 and 15 years.


    Norwegian Buhund care is simple:

    • The hairs are combed 2 to 3 times a week.
    • The eyes are checked and cleaned daily.
    • The ears are cleaned 2-3 times a month.
    • Nails are cut as they grow.
    • Teeth are brushed weekly.
    • Bathe him only when absolutely necessary.

    Living conditions

    The Norwegian Buhund adapts well to outdoor life. Easily tolerates rainy weather and severe frosts, so the best option is a country house or aviary.

    He can also live in an apartment, but in this case he must benefit from complete physical activity.


    The Norwegian Buhund must exercise for at least two hours a day.

    History of the breed

    One of the earliest evidences of the existence of the Norwegian Buhund breed is a ship from Gokstad, which was found on the shore of one of the fjords in 1880. Together with the ship, the remains of a dog were found, surprisingly reminiscent of the modern Norwegian Buhund.

    The ship dates back to the 8th century AD. e., but many researchers suggest that dogs of this breed lived in these territories earlier. Although, no reliable evidence has yet been found. There are other remains of Buhund dating back to the 8-9th centuries AD, found in Iceland and Greenland, which proves their close connection with the Vikings.

    These ancient conquerors and navigators took dogs with them to conquer new lands, knowing their endurance and value. Some researchers believe that the Norwegian Buhund may have been involved in the formation of breeds such as the Border Collie and Icelandic Shepherd, although again, there is no reliable evidence.

    The Middle Ages are a rather vague period in the history of the breed, but we can definitely say that Buhund lived side by side with people and served them faithfully. However, at the beginning of the 20th century, many other breeds appeared in Norway, from which the popularity of aboriginal dogs began to decline. Today, Norwegian breeders and breed enthusiasts are trying to preserve and increase the number of individuals. Despite this, the Norwegian Buhund is still very small in number.


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