Sokoke cat | Cat Breed Information & Facts – Pictures


    The sokoke cat comes from the exotic African continent, where we find a feline whose appearance only highlights these origins. The sokoke cat has a spectacular coat, because its pattern resembles that of the bark of a tree, which is why in Kenya, its country of origin, it was called “Khadzonzos” which literally means “bark”.


    Sokoke cat photos

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    Physical characteristics

    Like most native breeds (Siberian, Norwegian Forest Cat), cats of this breed are strong and muscular individuals. Usually, Sokokes are much larger than cats (30-40%). They are athletic and muscular pets that look very elegant in their short fur coats. The weight of the animal is small – only 3-5 kg.


    Distinctive features

    • The shape of the cat’s head resembles a modified wedge. It is rather long, and in comparison with the body it may seem small. Cats have a flat cranial line (top). The cheekbones are well defined, the chin is wide and powerful, the pads round the contours of the muzzle.
    • The rounded ears of cats often have tassels. The ears are wide at the base and set at a medium height.
    • The eyes are slightly tilted forward, large, almond-shaped. They are expressive and bright. Their color: amber, yellow, green. There is a black border around the iris.
    • Cats have wide, straight noses. There is a slight bend in the bridge of the nose.
    • The body is medium, supple. The chest is well developed, and the platforms are rounded. The animal’s shoulders and neck are quite muscular.
    • Cats have long slender legs. The front ones are a little shorter than the rear ones and therefore the cat’s gait seems to be slightly inclined. The legs are small, oval.
    • The tail is of standard size, tapering towards the tip, muscular. The tail is medium to long in length.
    • The animal’s coat fits snugly to the body, it is considered very short. Hard to the touch. The undercoat is either barely visible or completely absent.


    Sokoke can have different shades of tabby brown, as they are descendants of wild forest cats. Only the spotted coat with mandatory black tip on the tail is allowed. The special mottled color of the Sokoke “shapes” the breed.

    Sokoke cats have several distinctive features in color:

    • The very tip of the tail is always black;
    • There is a “necklace” on the neck in the form of one or more stripes;
    • A pattern resembling a butterfly is visible on the back;
    • The lateral side of the body is marked with a bull’s-eye pattern of broken lines;
    • On the forehead, the letter “M” stands out from intermittent stripes.

    Character and behavior

    The Sokoke cat is distinguished by a huge amount of energy, tirelessness, a very cheerful and active character. At first glance, it may seem that with such a pet you will not have a moment of peace, however, they very well feel the situation and mood of their loved ones.

    In combination with a developed intellect, you can be calm – an adult cat will not become the source of endless trouble, quite the contrary. She loves to play and may well find something to do on her own, and the destructive, aggressive and destructive vein of these animals is practically absent. They are fun, but not harmful. On the contrary, Sokoke cats are distinguished by a very friendly and affectionate disposition, they are very attached to their family members and are ready to give everyone a share of their feline love.

    They like various games, toys, houses with a large number of levels, ladders and can indulge in such entertainment for hours. Children will be overjoyed with such a pet, because the Sokoke will be a tireless participant in any children’s games. Of course, it will be necessary to explain to the child how to behave correctly with a cat.

    Sokoke is a curious and intelligent cat who likes to explore new places. She has good hunting reflexes, she likes to climb trees and usually spends time on the street, so she will be immensely happy if her future owner lives in a private house. These cats, as a rule, find a common language with other domestic animals, unless they are rodents or birds, since the hereditary hunter by default sees them as potential prey.


    The breed is in excellent health. They have almost no genetic abnormalities due to the natural appearance of the species.

    The only thing is that the cat is very prone to neurosis and stress. Therefore, nothing should frighten him or lead him to depression. The restless conditions of the animal should be treated with special medications.

    It is also important to monitor the hygiene of the animal, to treat wounds with antimicrobial agents and to wash the paws of the animal after the rue.

    Antihelminthic therapy for cats is held every 3 months. After walking down the street, these cats should be examined for fleas or ticks.

    Life expectancy

    The average lifespan of a Sokoke cat is 10 – 15 years. These cats mature early – around 8-10 months.


    To keep the Sokoke cat clean, it is regularly subjected to hygiene procedures:

    • The cat’s ears are cleaned weekly from accumulated dirt and dust. To do this, use cotton pads and special alcohol-free lotions.
    • Sokoke eyes are wiped daily with a soft, natural cloth soaked in boiled water or herbal infusion.
    • The teeth are brushed 3-4 times a month with a special brush with a non-foaming paste to prevent the appearance of tartar and prevent the development of dental diseases.
    • Sokoke’s claws, as they grow, are cut with a cutter so as not to touch living tissue and cause pain to the cat. With regular use of the scratching post, this procedure is usually not necessary.
    • The short, sleek coat of the Sokoke cat does not need to be combed frequently. To maintain a well-groomed appearance, it is treated with a special washcloth or a brush with natural bristles every week. Bathe the Sokoke when he gets dirty using shampoos for short-haired breeds.


    Due to its energy, we will have to provide our Sokoke with the necessary tools and resources to exercise and thus maintain an adequate level of energy. For this, one can buy toys or scratchers of different levels to climb them, since they love this activity, in addition in Africa it is common to spend the day climbing and descending trees. If we don’t want to buy them, we can also make our own toys at home.

    Fun facts

    • This breed is completely natural, wild. Its ancestors were wild forest cats in Kenya. They are called Hadzonzo by the natives of Africa.
    • The name of the breed comes from the name of the Kenyan region of Sokoke.
    • Animal DNA is a combination of an Asian domestic cat and an Arabian wild cat.
    • Males of the breed often assist females in raising offspring.
    • Sokoke kittens cost an average of $ 500-1000. In connection with hereditary ailments, it is better to take the cat that has a pedigree and documents for it.
    • During the existence of the breed, many interesting things have been connected with it:
    • Sokoke have several alternative names. These cats are also known as Kenyan Forest and Soukok cats.
    • To establish the natural origin of sokoke, a special study was carried out. As a result, it was found out that they have a common DNA structure with spotted street cats of Eastern Kenya and cats of Lamu Island. Based on this, the Kenyan forestry was included in a separate racial group called the Arabian Sea.
    • In ancient times, when livestock was considered a luxury item, the Kenyan aborigines ate sokoke for food.
    • Because of the spiral woody pattern on the brown fur, forest cats were called “kanzonzo”, which means “like bark”.

    History of the breed

    Sokoke cats, which were originally called Khadzonzos cats, are native to the African continent, in particular they are common throughout Kenya, where they live wildly in urban areas.

    Some specimens of these felines were captured by an English breeder, named J. Slater, who, with one of his breeder friends, Gloria Modrup, decided to breed them and therefore to produce copies suitable for domestic life. The breeding program was quite successful, because after starting in 1978 a few years later, in 1984, the Sokoke cat breed was officially recognized in Denmark, extending the breed to other countries such as Italy, where they arrived in 1992.

    Currently, the TICA catalogs the sokoke cat as a new preliminary breed, the FIFe has recognized it since 1993 and the CCA and the GCCF have also collected its standard, despite the small number of specimens that exist in America and Europe.


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