Journalist Finds Stolen Dog And Arrests Suspected Thief While Reporting On Case

stolen dog thief captured juliana mazza

Journalists are always up to date, but as much as Juliana Mazza is difficult, as this American journalist was covering the case of a stolen dog when suddenly she found a man walking him who appeared to be the one suspected thief.

The Massachusetts 7 News reporter visited the scene last Sunday, a parking lot where a dog named Titus was stolen on Friday, as Cambridge police reported.

“An unknown suspect broke into a parked vehicle and stole a 13-month-old white German shorthair pointer from the vehicle. The suspect was then observed walking the dog on the deck of the Boston University, “authorities said on Twitter.

Juliana Mazza and John Guice, his cameraman, arrived at the parking lot to report what had happened but, as they were about to record, he noticed that a man with the same characteristics as the alleged thief was walking by. walking an animal which it also matches the description.

At that moment, the two journalists decided to stop him to ask him some questions and they realized that indeed, it was about Titus, the stolen dog.

The man, identified as Kyle Gariepy, confessed to the reporter that he caught the animal when he saw it in the car, but argued that “it was not a kidnapping, but a simple error “.

The reporter asked him if he hadn’t thought to call the phone number provided by the police or the one, he wore on his collar in case he got lost, and the suspect replied that he had called, but then his phone broke, and he ended up babbling without knowing what to answer.

Juliana Mazza then called the police, who certified the dog and the suspect were the ones they were looking for, and they took Titus to safety and arrested the man. “We were able to convince the suspect to give us the dog and we kept him entertained until Cambride police arrived shortly after. We are very happy that Titus is safe!” delighted the reporter on Twitter.

The owner arrived shortly after and couldn’t hold back tears as he hugged his animal again, and didn’t want to miss the opportunity to thank the reporter and her camera: ‘one sees this and questions the value of communication media and social networks, it shows [its importance] “.

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