They took the pup to the vet for his first vaccination. The boy’s reaction was very moving

took pup vet boy reaction moving

Vaccinations are very important not only for humans but also for animals. They should take the first dose within the first few weeks of life. However, pets don’t always take things lightly. Turns out, neither did their owners.

The network conquers the video in which we can see how a little boy reacted to the vaccination of his puppy. Even though the pain from the sting only lasted a few seconds, the little boy’s heart sank at the pitiful cry.

The boy was worried about getting his dog vaccinated

In this video, a week-old Chihuahua puppy that literally fits in the palm of your hand gets his first vaccination. The dog is understandably very confused, and since this is his first contact with a needle, he squeals and fusses in the owner’s hands. Fear has wide eyes, because of course no harm is done to it.

Despite this, a little boy, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the car, began crying desperately, as he apparently did not understand that his new friend was not really in pain. After a moment, he kissed the chihuahua tenderly and, in despair, showed him the small puncture mark on the animal’s neck.

Raising animals with children is essential

Establishing a relationship between a small child and an animal has been proven to benefit the development of both parties. Consolation, thanks to such company, learns from the beginning empathy and tolerance towards the weakest beings. It is important to remember to properly balance the duties of the child towards the dog, because at first he may neglect it if he has to be entirely responsible for it.

Internet users were delighted with the empathy of the young man and are sure that in the future he will be a good master for his pet. Let him get used to the idea that his four-legged friend needs regular visits to the vet.

When should you give your puppy the first vaccination?

Vaccinations given at the right time are the basis for a puppy to grow strong and reach maturity. It is therefore important to know when to do it. You can go to the first of them when the dog is over 6 weeks old. However, it must not be older than 9 weeks.

However, this is not the end, because later the vet performs other vaccinations on the dog. The last must take place when the dog is over 16 weeks old. If we want our animal to be safe, we must not forget it. After this time, remember to regularly renew the rabies vaccination.

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