The vet warns. One of the things that everyone has at home can pose a deadly threat to animals.

vet warns deadly threat animals / Tima Miroschnichenko

Many pet owners don’t realize that certain everyday objects pose a threat to their pet’s health and life. Animals driven by curiosity sometimes eat something that should never be in their digestive tract. The vet warns. There is one thing that is particularly dangerous for dogs and cats. It is found in most homes.

Dogs and cats like to experiment. Many people sometimes eat an inedible object

The vast majority of dog owners know perfectly well that human food cannot be within reach of their pet. This creates too much risk of your pet eating something they shouldn’t. The same goes for cats.

However, it turns out that animals sometimes eat inedible objects. Objects with unusual shapes, shiny structures, or interesting smells may be considered an interesting treat by your pet. Unfortunately, these types of animal experiments sometimes end tragically.

It is useful to know which dangerous objects are particularly interesting from the animals’ point of view. One of them is lying around in random places in many houses.

Vet Warns: Your Pet Should Never Have Access to This Thing

Many veterinary specialists confirm that batteries are one of the most frequently consumed foods by dogs and cats. These small, shiny objects can become deadly once they enter the digestive tract.

Therefore, your pet should never have access to batteries. Particular care should therefore be taken to ensure that lost individual batteries are not lying around, for example behind furniture or placed on cupboards into which a dog or cat can enter.

Remember that when bored, some animals start looking for something to do on their own. Don’t risk one of them eating batteries.

What are the symptoms and effects of a dog or cat eating batteries?

Sometimes a swallowed battery is excreted in the stool. This is the best possible scenario in this case. Unfortunately, no one can guarantee this in any way.

If the contents of the battery are spilled into the animal’s digestive tract, it may initially cause the following symptoms:

  • Severe vomiting and diarrhea;
  • Salivation;
  • Breathing problems;
  • Sudden general weakness;
  • Severe pain in the digestive tract (problems can occur anywhere from the mouth to the rectum);
  • Cramps, especially in the abdominal area.

The only solution in such a situation is the intervention of a veterinarian. Therefore, if you suspect or are sure that your pet has eaten a pile, take it to a veterinary clinic immediately.

The consequences of spilling battery contents into the digestive tract of a dog or cat can be tragic – necrosis, perforation of the mouth, esophagus, stomach or intestines – these are the conditions most common in such situations.

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