Veteran And His Dog Die On The Same Day And Within Minutes Of Each Other

veteran dog die same day

The bond that a dog can develop with his human family is incredible. Daniel Hove, an Air Force veteran turned firefighter in Burnsville Minnesota (United States), was sadly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in October 2011, his family and friends remained by his side, including “Gunner ยป, His faithful 11-year-old farmer who never left him.

Illness has dramatically damaged Daniel’s life in recent years, most of the photographs of the man and his pet huddled in; Even though Gunner weighed over 90 pounds, he stayed by his human’s side the entire time.

Daniel’s daughter Heather Nicoletti told Kare11:

They were the best friends in the world until the end. They were hunting friends, they went everywhere together.

Veteran and loyal Labrador retriever die same day

dog and his father

They did everything together, they were inseparable and Gunner loved Daniel deeply, it was no wonder the Labrador fell ill as the end of the road for his human father approached. Heather remembers they were pretty much in sync, they got sick together.

Heather said:

My dad didn’t respond, the dog didn’t respond. So once we saw how the dog was doing, he wasn’t moving a lot, he wasn’t doing well, we knew the end was near.

Sadly, the family realized they had to let Gunner go.

veteran and his dog

Heather commented:

I called the vet clinic where he worked, they accepted me right away and when we were there I put him to sleep. And about an hour and a half later my dad was gone too.

Heather felt sad and upset that she had lost her father, but at least she was relieved that her father didn’t have to go through the loss of his best friend. She believed that Daniel’s illness and loss was devastating for the dog, as he and Gunner couldn’t bear to be away from each other.

Heather said:

We knew they would go together. We just didn’t know they were going to be hours apart. Gunner couldn’t be without my dad, I think he chose to go with him.

They accompanied each other until the end and were really inseparable. No doubt the gentle Labrador loved his father so much that he decided to accompany him and cross the Rainbow Bridge together.

Images: Facebook / Heather Nicoletti

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