Weimaraner With Anxiety Gets His Own Support Dog

weimaraner anxiety gets support dog

At some point in our lives, we all need a friend, sibling, or partner to confide in, so that the issues we face become easier to bear. A clear example of this is a small, adorable dachshund who demonstrated that great things can be achieved with patience and love.

When Arnold, a 2-year-old Weimaraner, was just a tiny puppy, he had a bad experience with a giant German Shepherd. Unsurprisingly, this terrifying encounter left a huge scar in the heart of Arnold, who was already suffering from separation anxiety.

Weimaraner with anxiety gets help

weimaraner anxiety gets support dog

What’s worse is that after this confrontation, Arnold became even more fearful, especially with big dogs. Despite this, her mother Carolyn Manalis, who lives in Perth, Australia, knew she had to do something to help her.

weimaraner anxiety gets support dog

She was sure there must be something in her power to make Arnold feel better. That’s when Frank, a handsome miniature dachshund, appeared in their lives; he was the cutest, friendliest puppy they had ever met.

weimaraner anxiety gets support dog

Carolyn had decided to adopt Frank after a friend of hers had given him to her, when she thought he would be good company.

Since returning home, the little one has taken on the role of emotional support dog for his big brother.

weimaraner anxiety gets support dog

Although emotional support dogs usually work for humans, Carolyn knew Frank would help Arnold with his anxiety.

weimaraner anxiety gets support dog

Carolyn told Caters News:

โ€œThe bond that these two dogs have is incredibly beautiful. They are very connected, love and support each other. If ever one cries, the other is there in a split second to watch them. Their love is unconditional, regardless of size or race.โ€

Oddly enough, even though Frank is very small and younger, he’s the one who calms the 66-pound giant when he goes into a meltdown.

weimaraner anxiety gets support dog

Through her confidence, dedication and kindness, the adorable dog slowly overcame her crippling anxiety. Every day that they spent together, his mother could notice how Arnold’s attitude was improving more and more and that he was overcoming his problems.

weimaraner anxiety gets support dog

Carolyne said:

โ€œFrank helped Arnold regain his confidence to be able to play and fight while learning that doesn’t always mean he will be hurt or attacked. Having a boyfriend to play with was the perfect therapy for Arnold to heal. ยป

The little pup helped Arnold regain his full confidence, and with it, his anxiety disorder was forgotten.

weimaraner anxiety gets support dog

Although Frank was a huge support for Arnold, he also learned many tricks from his beloved older brother.

Carolyne said:

โ€œWe swear Frank thinks Arnold is his father. Being the second son, he certainly didn’t receive as much training and attention as the first. Most of what he learned he learned from Arnold. ยป

weimaraner anxiety gets support dog

In general, younger siblings tend to copy everything their parents or older siblings do. Frank is no exception to the rule. According to Carolyn, Frank copies everything Arnold does, so much so that if Arnold barks or makes a sound, Frank immediately imitates him, like a “parrot”.

weimaraner anxiety gets support dog

Carolyne said:

โ€œArnold taught Frank how to behave around the house, how to bark at intruders, how to chase a ball, how to stand and wait for the collar and leash to be put on, how to sit and wait before crossing the street. Wherever Arnold walks, Frank will follow. ยป

weimaraner anxiety gets support dog

Without a doubt, they are an adorable pair of brothers who knew how to help each other to move forward; demonstrating how important support can be in our lives.

Images: Instagram / arnoldandfrank

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