Cat Can’t Stop “Kneading” Her Happy Paws After Finding Help

cat can t stop kneading paws happiness

An adorable kitty can’t help but knead her paws to show how happy she is to have found the perfect family that has helped her and her beautiful babies thrive.

About a month ago, a pregnant cat was rescued and placed in a foster home in Melbourne, Australia, for a better life. The feline was very grateful to have found a place to live and, above all, to have plenty of food within reach.

The mother-to-be has always โ€œkneadedโ€ with her paws from the start. As soon as she was given a soft blanket, she started kneading in the cutest way while purring.

A cat can’t stop kneading with her paws

cat can t stop kneading paws happiness

Amber, a Hear No Evil family volunteer, commented on Instagram:

“She’s totally adorable, super affectionate and has absolutely gorgeous markings.”

They thought it would take another few weeks for the babies to arrive, but a few days later Amber walked into the room and got a surprise. The beautiful mother cat, whom they named Pandora, had given birth to a litter of four adorable kittens, and everyone was very happy with what happened.

cat can t stop kneading paws happiness

It was very obvious that Pandora needed help and guidance in raising her newborns, as she had no experience as a mother. So Amber immediately stepped in to help, cleaning up all the babies and placing them next to the mother so they could start feeding.

cat can t stop kneading paws happiness

Amber wrote:

“Luckily when the fourth baby arrived she read the ‘how to be a mother cat’ instructions and got to work, now she is a very happy girl taking care of her babies.”

Despite Pandora’s best efforts, one littermate lost the battle, but the rest of the kittens began to thrive.

cat can t stop kneading paws happiness

Amber said:

“Pandora has no idea motherhood, but she’s utterly adorable and far more interested in kneading and rolling than caring for little creatures that have hung on and won’t let go.”

Kitties; Butters, Beans and Bananas feed like real champions and cling to their mothers as if it were necessary to survive.

cat can t stop kneading paws happiness

Thanks to the help of the foster family, the trio of kittens is getting stronger day by day and growing in an extraordinary way.

After supplemental feeding, Banana (the smallest kitten) has almost reached the size of her siblings and can manage while playing.

When the kittens opened their eyes, they couldn’t wait to get out of their nest and explore every corner of the house. Pandora was very caring, as she took care of each of her little ones and her protective maternal instincts kicked in to take care of them.

cat can t stop kneading paws happiness

Sweet Pandora waves her paws in the air when Amber walks into the room, because nothing makes her happier than to have her company. Fortunately, the loving feline will never have to worry about being on the street again and can continue to knead with its little paws.

cat can t stop kneading paws happiness

Your little kittens will soon start eating solid food, and each day they will become more intelligent, curious and daring; They thrive incredibly. Once they are all weaned, Pandora will happily retire from her duties as a mother once and for all.

cat can t stop kneading paws happiness

Then he will be available to seek a loving and permanent home, where he can be the center of attention and can continue to knead with his little paws.

Images: Instagram / kitty_fostering_oz

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