A dark figure passed in front of the nursery. There were coyotes nearby, “I prayed he would still be there the next day.”

dark figure passed in front of the nursery
Suzette Hall

A gardener employed by a daycare center was tending a row of plants when, at one point, he felt someone’s gaze falling on him. The man had the overwhelming feeling that someone was watching him from his hiding place. A shaggy dog watched him from a safe distance. Although the employee tried to approach it, the frightened animal immediately fled. He feared the animal was in danger given coyotes hunting in the area. He couldn’t let this be their last meeting.

The nursery employee did not ignore the premonition. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure at the other end of the garden.

Each of us relaxes in the garden differently: some like to spend time alone, others surrounded by friends and family. Contact with nature brings many benefits to young people and develops the need to commune with nature at each stage of life. This is why, concerned about the good development and well-being of the students, the nursery authorities hired a gardener responsible for taking care of the trees, bushes, flowers and other plants which densely cover the premises.

One day, while working, the man was surprised by the presence of an unexpected guest in the garden. The employee realized that the curious peeping tom was a medium-sized dog hiding in the back of the establishment, near a parked car.

The man was sure he had never seen it nearby before, so he initially wondered if the dog had escaped its owner. However, it was enough to look at its shaggy and neglected coat to be convinced that the animal’s wandering must have lasted several days, weeks, or even months. Additionally, he didn’t have a collar around his neck, so he suspected that there was no one in the world that a scared dog would perceive as his protector.

dark figure passed in front of the nursery
Suzette Hall

The employee concerned wanted to save his new friend. It wasn’t so easy

The gardener tried to get closer to the puppy. The animal’s face expressed depression and worry, but when it came into contact with a stranger, fear took over. The angry creature quickly fled out the back door, leaving the man alone in the garden. However, he had no intention of abandoning so quickly a relationship that could have turned into a beautiful friendship.

The man living in the California suburbs was aware that the area was rife with potential threats to the young dog, primarily from cars, but also from coyotes, for whom the small puppy could be nothing more than dinner, rather than an equal fighting partner. . This predatory species from the dog family avoids direct confrontation with humans, although it happily hunts domestic animals – cats and dogs.

The gardener implemented a plan to gain the trust of the shaggy dog. From then on, every day before starting work, he prepared bowls of food and fresh water for the dog, and when he returned home, his new four-legged friend was in his spirit. “Is it safe? Does he not suffer from any illnesses? Where does he sleep? – the same questions kept repeating in his head.

– Literally every day after work, he prayed that the dog would still be there the next morning – Suzette Hall, founder of Logan’s Legacy Dog Rescue, quotes the words of a man who asked her to help him catch a stray dog. – There were so many coyotes there at night. But [the puppy] knew how to avoid danger.

dark figure passed in front of the nursery
Suzette Hall

A trap was set for the fearful puppy. “He couldn’t stay there any longer.”

Eventually, the efforts paid off and the stray dog began to get closer to its temporary owner. He looked into the garden more often, but still wouldn’t let the employee pet him. Then Suzette Hall came to the rescue, armed with a professional trap. Only with his help did they manage to persuade Rollo – that was the name of the shy furry boy – to leave the nursery.

This time, however, the hesitation to leave familiar territory was driven more by love than fear. Unfortunately, the employee was unable to adopt the animal, so before saying goodbye, he hugged him every time and told him in a soothing voice that a bright future awaits him. was waiting.

– He couldn’t stay there anymore, but he didn’t want to leave his friend – the animal rescuer recalls.

dark figure passed in front of the nursery
Suzette Hall

Rollo was placed under the care of a local animal shelter, where he can count on special treatment. Although his past certainly hasn’t been the easiest, he is now on the right path to finding a forever home and a loving family. This would not have been possible without the empathetic approach of a random person.

dark figure passed in front of the nursery
Suzette Hall

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