The female dog in question had to face a difficult pregnancy, due to the number of puppies, underestimated by the veterinarian. Some thought it was an excuse not to go to work, but in reality, the new mom really needed help. The little dog couldn’t take care of all these puppies on her own.
Granting of maternity leave to a woman to be able to take care of 17 puppies
In Canada, Laurie Jansen, a woman from Alberta, owns a beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog named Freya. After mating with a Poodle named Max, the dog becomes pregnant and faces a rather risky pregnancy.

Laurie is a very caring owner, but also anxious, in fact she has taken Freya on several occasions for checkups at the vet. Everything seemed to be going in the right direction, and according to the doctor, the dog was carrying a dozen puppies in her belly, but she was wrong, and not by a little.

At the time of delivery, it came as a surprise to everyone, Freya gave birth to 17 puppies, all of them alive and with black coats. On average, a little female dog of this breed, at the first birth, makes about 8-9 puppies, but Freya made twice that. An almost record case, except that the Guinness World Record was set in 2004, when a Neapolitan Mastiff gave birth to 24 puppies.

The woman was shocked and even a little scared because she didn’t know how all these little dogs were handled. Unfortunately, two puppies did not survive, but that’s normal in large litters. However, Laurie and Freya have raised another 15 puppies, and once they reach two months of age, they will be adoptable. The little ones will only be entrusted to referenced people, able to take care of a Bernese mountain dog, and to give him all the love he deserves.
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