Dog Refuses To Leave Mum’s Hospital Room After Saving Her Life

puppy refuses Leave mother hospital

Ruby is an assistance dog who saved her mother’s life by warning her of health issues she didn’t even know she had, and now that the woman is in the hospital, this loyal companion has refused to leave her.

Ruby came into Shauna Darcy’s life with the primary goal of staying by her side as a service dog to improve depression, agoraphobia and anxiety, and from the start she demonstrated her wonderful abilities. Even Ruby refused to leave her mother in the hospital after helping her detect her health issues.

The woman claims that since Ruby was training to be a service dog, she noticed she could detect changes in her heartbeat.

When Shauna was sick, the dog would start acting strange, kicking her, trying to get her attention, etc.

The dog refuses to leave his mother in the hospital


Thanks to Ruby’s strange behavior, Shauna decided to go to the doctor and there they discovered that she had some health issues, including a rare heart condition called Ehlers-Danlos Vascular Syndrome.

It was surprising for the woman to realize that Ruby knew something was wrong before she even knew it herself.

Ruby takes care of Darcy

Every day, the dog helps his mother control her heart rate and blood pressure, calms her panic attacks and provides her with emergency medication. She is also responsible for picking up fallen items and retrieving items that her mother cannot reach.

Ruby and her mother

Shauna told The Dodo:

When I pass out, she climbs on top of me, applies all her pressure and licks my hands and face until I respond.

Last week, when Ruby started alerting her mum that something was wrong, she felt fine, but decided to trust the dog’s instincts and called an ambulance.

service dog

When paramedics arrived, the woman was in pain and barely conscious, her heart was in atrial fibrillation.

ruby and darcy

At the hospital the doctors worked to keep her stable and Ruby refused to leave her, even when Shauna was unconscious Ruby was by her side in bed to make her feel like she was there for her.

Darcy and Ruby

Ruby managed to steal the hearts of many people in the hospital, she likes to greet everyone, but she always makes sure not to get too far from Shauna.

service dog Ruby

Shauna said:

I wouldn’t be alive without her.

The dog saved Shauna’s life, and she is very grateful, the bond between the two is admirable, they love each other.

Images: Instagram / incredibullruby

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