This Dog Watching Football and Celebrating a Goal Is the Best Thing You’ll See Today

Dog Watching Football
Reddit / SonoriousRBLX

The dog’s owner posted a funny video of her pet online. The dog watched the football match broadcast on the television screen with great enthusiasm. It turned out that the animal is one of the biggest football fans in the world. His reaction to the goal made millions of Internet users laugh to tears.

The dog was watching a football match on TV

Dogs love balloons โ€“ this is a fact known to all pet owners. They chase them, bring them with joy and can sometimes play like this for hours. However, it is rare that they follow matches on television with such enthusiasm. For this dog, football is much more than playing with a ball, it is a true passion.

In the recording we can see how the quadruped observes every movement of the players on the screen while holding its breath, and its reactions to the events on the field are as full of emotion as those of human fans. The video posted on by its owner has won the hearts of Internet users around the world.

Funny video with a dog. The animal turned out to be a real football fan

The recording shows the dog watching the game of his beloved team with great enthusiasm in the company of his owner. Without a doubt, the emotion is strong as soon as the ball approaches the opponent’s goal. Every cross, especially a shot on goal, attracts the attention of the four-legged fan who can’t sit still.

The dog’s owner filmed the moment, which became an internet hit. When a football player scores a goal, the animal jumps in surprise and joy… then falls off the couch. This unexpected and comical event provoked bursts of laughter not only from his caregiver, but also from millions of viewers around the world.

Why do dogs love balls?

The recording quickly gained popularity on social media. Comments full of joy and laughter appeared quickly, and the number of views increased at a dizzying rate. Internet users agree: this dog is one of the most loyal football fans and his enthusiasm is truly contagious.

  • Where is his favorite team jersey?
  • The best dog movie of all time,
  • He must have been a footballer or a big fan in a previous incarnation,
  • A real fan.

Balls fascinate dogs for many reasons. First of all, they are perfect toys for interacting with the caregiver. Their movement mimics animal flight, which triggers dogs’ natural hunting instincts. Playing also releases energy, stimulates their minds and brings lots of joy to fur babies.

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