Family Creates Epic Snow Maze For Their 21 Rescued Dogs

family creates snow maze 21 rescued dogs

One of the world’s most admired jobs is for those who love to help those who need it most, especially those with no voice. They have so much passion that just seeing a rescued animal happy is enough payment for them.

Chris and Mariesa Hughes have one passion in life, which is helping and saving dogs in difficult situations; so much so that so far they have saved more than 500 dogs.

Not only is the number of rescues they’ve performed, but many of those rescues have ended up with their families; they currently have 21 dogs in their house.

Family creates snow maze for their 21 dogs

family with 21 dogs

Each of these animals has a place in your family and in your hearts; They are highly regarded and highly regarded members, their names are: Mabel, Major, Mya Marie, Fitzgibbons, Delilah, Vera, Pixie, Lacey, Phil, Mercury, Sammy, Stig, Tejas, Meatball, Quinn, Tina, Pesto, Frank , Gizmo, Nutmeg and Bully.

Chris Hughes told The Dodo:

They are all so unique, but they all get along as one big, happy family.

big family with 21 dogs

Chris added:

They are independent, mischievous, strong, loving, loyal and crazy. Many of them have small packs within the 21 pack, Stig and Quinn still play together, Phil and Mercury are inseparable.

It is true that taking care of 21 dogs is not easy; feeding them and caring for them when sick is a challenge, but this loving couple managed to overcome any obstacle that came their way.

family 21 dogs christmas

Recently it has snowed a lot and Chris and Mariesa thought things might get tricky for them.

Chris commented:

When we woke up I was absolutely stunned. I have lived all my life in cities with a lot of snow, but I have never seen so much snow in such a short time. We had to find a way to let the dogs out at least to do their thing and let off steam.

Seeing the need, Chris went out to clean the area a bit for his dogs to come out, while working he had an idea that changed the world.

snow mazes for your 21 dogs

While cleaning the area, for his dogs to relieve themselves, it occurred to him to dig a maze in this pile of snow in his garden, of course the idea won over his pets and went viral on them. social networks.

Chris said:

All the grown-ups walk through the labyrinth as if it were a big game. It’s good for them to still be able to go out and explore, I think I’ll hide some toys in the benches so they can find them later!

21 dogs play in a snow maze

This couple’s love for their pets is immense and what better way to show it than by providing them with a fun place to run and play despite the weather conditions.

Even though the maze is quite large, Chris intends to keep expanding it and adding obstacles and surprises for his beloved pets.

Finally Chris added:

I will be doing other routes soon, since there is no thaw in sight, I may try to dig tunnels there.

Without a doubt, love for our pets makes our creativity fly by trying to make them happier.

You can follow the history and adventures of these 21 dogs on their social networks Facebook and Instagram.

Images: Gremlin โ€“ The Mr Mo Project

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